The following is the (mostly) raw text file from our chat on Monday, January 5. It was logged by Marc Schmalz, so it begins and ends as he enters and leaves the chat room.
Session Start: Mon Jan 05 16:40:31 2004
Session Ident: #TGM
[16:40] *** Now talking in #TGM
[16:40] * RodneyThompson waves to Marc
[16:40] <Bynw> hiyas Marc
[16:40] * Garen wakes Marc.
[16:40] <Bynw> and rich
[16:41] <TGM_Marc> Hello.
[16:42] <TGM_Marc> This cold is killing me. Hurts to inhale through
my nose.
[16:42] <RodneyThompson> So don't inhale through your nose.
[16:42] <TGM_Marc> I'm working on it.
[16:42] <juanjose> RodneyThompson: Midnight is cool, but the CS book
falls apart
[16:43] <juanjose> Cry Havoc rocks
[16:43] <DerekNafaiJones> You could always rub on a bunch of that
vapo-grease. I bet that'd feel *real* nice.
[16:43] <TGM_Marc> I've never used it.
[16:43] * Bynw needs to get cry havoc
[16:44] *** Mat_Smith has joined #TGM
[16:44] <RodneyThompson> It's pretty solid. Best job anyone's done
on mass combat thus far.
[16:44] <TGM_Marc> Well, what the heck do you know.
[16:44] <Garen> Everything. I know everything.
[16:44] <Mat_Smith> Hey.
[16:45] <TGM_Marc> What's up, Mat?
[16:45] <TGM_Marc> AFK a min. BRB
[16:45] <Garen> Hello, Mat.
[16:45] <RichRedman> Okay, I'm back from installing ircle on Mat's
machine and getting him logged in.
[16:46] <Mat_Smith> Too much. The break wasn't as kind to my workload
as I would've liked.
[16:46] <Garen> Yeah. And Mat's here, too. ;)
[16:46] <DerekNafaiJones> Bah, you should have just loaded him up on
Mozilla. :P
[16:46] <Mat_Smith> Hey, Garen.
[16:46] <RichRedman> Woohoo! I might get what I want!
[16:46] <Garen> ?
[16:47] <RodneyThompson> which is?
[16:47] <RichRedman> Holistic Design has some covers in the Winter
'04 Games Quarterly catalogue...
[16:47] <TGM_Marc> Rich wants to decide who lives and who
[16:47] <RodneyThompson> Fitting for an evil genius.
[16:47] <RichRedman> where they use the d20 System logo and put the
word "Modern" underneath it.
[16:47] <RichRedman> Which raised the issue of why there isn
[16:47] <RichRedman> sorry
[16:47] <RichRedman> Which raised the issue of why there isn
[16:48] <RichRedman> dammit
[16:48] <RodneyThompson> haha
[16:48] <TGM_Marc> :)
[16:48] <RichRedman> why there isn't a d20 Modern logo as part of the
[16:48] <DerekNafaiJones> shave that return key down and that won't
happen ;)
[16:48] <RichRedman> HAH!
[16:48] <RodneyThompson> A good point.
[16:48] *** TGM_Stan has joined #TGM
[16:48] *** TGM_Stan sets mode: +q TGM_Stan
[16:48] <RichRedman> So now nobody can remember why there isn't one,
and we might move to having one. Which I want. And that doesn't
make me evil or a genius, BTW.
[16:48] <Garen> Hey, everyone, it's Stan!(!)
[16:49] <TGM_Stan> Hey, all!
[16:49] <RodneyThompson> d20 Modern would certainly benefit from more
products saying "d20 Modern compatible" right there on the cover.
[16:49] <Mat_Smith> Stan!(!)
[16:49] <TGM_Marc> STAN!
[16:49] <RichRedman> Oh, I already saw Stan! once today.
[16:49] <DerekNafaiJones> Greets, Stan!
[16:49] <TGM_Marc> Stan! - you missed a fun poker night.
[16:49] *** JDWiker has joined #TGM
[16:49] *** JDWiker sets mode: +q JDWiker
[16:49] <RichRedman> Don't get me wrong, Rodney: There is a way to
do that right now.
[16:49] <TGM_Marc> JD+!@#$
[16:49] <Mat_Smith> Hey, JD.
[16:49] * DerekNafaiJones waves to JD
[16:49] <Bynw> hiyas JDWiker
[16:49] <RichRedman> You just have to write "a modern d20 System
game" on the cover.
[16:49] <JDWiker> Hello, everybody! Sorry I wasn't here sooner.
[16:49] <RichRedman> 'Scuse me while I crank up the Swanky Modes.
[16:49] <RodneyThompson> Certainly, but a pretty little graphic
couldn't hirt.
[16:49] <RodneyThompson> hurt
[16:50] <RodneyThompson> Argh
[16:50] <RichRedman> I agree with Rodney (it's smart, and it's safer).
[16:50] <JDWiker> Hang on ... I'm going to log out, then back in.
[16:50] *** JDWiker has quit IRC (Quit: Disconnecting.)
[16:50] *** JDWiker has joined #TGM
[16:50] *** JDWiker sets mode: +q JDWiker
[16:50] <JDWiker> That's better.
[16:50] <RichRedman> Now if Eric and Mike log in, we'll be all set.
[16:50] <RodneyThompson> It kinda stinks that Mongoose is using the
Modern SRD but going OGL will stuff like Cybernet. It's a fantastic
setting, but believe it or not there's often confusion as to whether
or not it's a d20 Modern game.
[16:50] <JDWiker> Anybody heard from Eric at all?
[16:50] <RodneyThompson> Heck, until I bought it I didn't know.
[16:51] <RodneyThompson> Yeah, talked to Eric about 30 seconds ago.
[16:51] <TGM_Stan> Mike says he'll be here under the nickname
[16:51] <RichRedman> Oooh! Me! Me! I heard from him!
[16:51] <RodneyThompson> He's on his way.
[16:51] <RichRedman> Did you want to know what he said?
[16:51] <JDWiker> Okie-doke.
[16:51] <Garen> And I saw Mike in here a couple of days ago, so he
definitely knows how to log in.
[16:52] <TGM_Marc> Gen Con... Holidays... I suppose I
should be really glad it's January. If only I hadn't picked up
this cold.
[16:52] <RodneyThompson> If we have time today, I'd love to hear you
guys' impressions of GenCon SoCal
[16:52] <Mat_Smith> I'd like to have a couple more weeks of December.
[16:52] <JDWiker> Glad you got through to Mike, Stan ... and glad to
hear you saw him here, Garen. We'd be in a fix if we had to walk
him through the process.
[16:52] <TGM_Stan> Geez, Marc ... you should know better than to pick
up such things
[16:52] <RodneyThompson> I talked to Eric about it a little when he
got back, but still
[16:52] <RichRedman> I don't know how to do impressions in IRC.
[16:53] <TGM_Marc> I saw it and thought, "FREE CANDY!"
Unfortunately, it was just this cold.
[16:53] <DerekNafaiJones> It's easy Rich:
[16:53] <Garen> "impressions"?
[16:53] *** Alex_Knight has joined #TGM
[16:53] *** Astros has joined #TGM
[16:53] <Mat_Smith> They'll get you with that, Marc.
[16:53] <DerekNafaiJones> <voice style="GenCon SoCal">I'm a
nice warm con!</voice>
[16:53] <RichRedman> Hey, if this keeps up, the guests might
outnumber the authors and staff!
[16:53] <JDWiker> Marc helped some friends move some furniture over
the weekend.
[16:53] <JDWiker> (Guess I was wrong about that Ice Age thing, too.)
[16:53] <TGM_Stan> *lol* Derek
[16:53] <RodneyThompson> ahem. everyone's a comedian.
[16:54] <Garen> I am not a comedian.
[16:54] <Garen> I'm a comic.
[16:54] <RichRedman> This is a TGM chat, Rodney. What did you expect?
[16:54] *** KingOfLaw has joined #TGM
[16:54] *** sets mode: +o KingOfLaw
[16:54] <TGM_Marc> I also had a tabletop game where a
plague-bearer may have been in the room.
[16:54] <RodneyThompson> Touche.
[16:54] *** KingOfLaw sets mode: -o KingOfLaw
[16:54] <JDWiker> Doh. Allie?
[16:54] <TGM_Marc> Hey, it's COLD in Seattle. It's not
supposed to be that cold.
[16:54] <KingOfLaw> Hey JD, Red, Stan ^_^
[16:54] <Mat_Smith> You might have been inadvertanly LARPing, Marc.
[16:54] <TGM_Stan> I'm not a comic ... but I draw one
[16:54] <TGM_Marc> Aaron's wife Kate.
[16:54] <TGM_Marc> Aaron was the plague-source.
[16:54] <RichRedman> Hello everyone. Thanks for dropping by early
to witness the chaos and attempts at humor that are the hallmark
of our chats.
[16:54] <JDWiker> My car door froze shut last night--just when I
needed to go to the grocery.
[16:55] <JDWiker> Then, when I got back and finally got the door
open--it froze OPEN.
[16:55] <RodneyThompson> Indeed. Open mike night before each chat.
[16:55] <RodneyThompson> Something of a tradition.
[16:55] <juanjose> JDWiker: you should have a bike <g>
[16:55] <Mat_Smith> Impeccable timing on the door's part.
[16:55] <JDWiker> The mechanism didn't thaw until this afternoon.
[16:55] <DerekNafaiJones> I had to sleep all night in a shopping mall
once from being iced out of my car. :(
[16:55] <RichRedman> Are you sure that was you and not Bart Simpson?
[16:55] <TGM_Stan> *heh* ... my car door freezes all the time ... a
minor design flaw, if you ask me
[16:55] <JDWiker> I had the door tied shut with a belt, to keep the
wind from blowing it open and running down my battery (from the
dome light).
[16:55] <Garen> "Before" the chat? HA!
[16:56] <KingOfLaw> Say, you guys want me to announce this chat, if
I can? :P
[16:56] <JDWiker> A shopping mall, Derek? Man, that blows.
[16:56] <Mat_Smith> Did you see any of the mall's killer robot
security guards?
[16:56] <Bynw> hey there Stan ... didnt see you sneek in
[16:56] <RichRedman> Yes, please. Thank you, KingOfLaw.
[16:56] <DerekNafaiJones> lol, no it was me. I used to manage a
Babbage's and it was a late night--got finished at midnight.
[16:56] <RichRedman> See, I can be polite.
[16:56] <TGM_Stan> Hi, Bynw ... I come and go like the wind
[16:56] <RodneyThompson> Heh, I manage an Electronics Boutique.....
Derek, my enemy, we must do battle.
[16:57] <DerekNafaiJones> oh dear
[16:57] <TGM_Marc> I figured the two were owned by the
same parent corp.
[16:57] * KingOfLaw stabs Bynw
[16:57] <RichRedman> MORTAL KOMBAT!
[16:57] <RodneyThompson> Nope, competitors.
[16:57] <JDWiker> I'll be moderating the chat tonight, by the way.
[16:57] <DerekNafaiJones> they always want to "do battle"
[16:57] <RichRedman> FINISH HIM!
[16:57] * RodneyThompson chuckles at JD. "Moderate" Right.
[16:57] <RichRedman> He meant it as a verb, not an adjective.
[16:57] * Garen chortles
[16:58] <Astros> watch out for those EB guys... they have lazer eye
sight to detect copied cd's
[16:58] * RichRedman must remember to be nice since JD has a DVD and a PC
game hostage...
[16:58] <KingOfLaw> What're you guys going to be talking
about tonight?
[16:58] *** ECagle has joined #TGM
[16:59] * RodneyThompson gasps
[16:59] <RodneyThompson> HE LIVES!
[16:59] <RichRedman> CAGLE! Get him!
[16:59] <Mat_Smith> Mr. CagleHay.
[16:59] <Garen> Cable Guy!
[16:59] <TGM_Stan> Oh, I have to leave a little early tonight ...
gonna split about 5:45 ... just so you all know
[16:59] <DerekNafaiJones> I hope they talk about chicken. Will there
be chicken?
[16:59] <TGM_Marc> All our stuff, but we're hoping for
questions about Modern Magic, King.
[16:59] <ECagle> Ayeeee
[16:59] <JDWiker> We're going to be talking about our newest product:
Modern Magic, for modern d20 System games.
[16:59] <TGM_Stan> Cagle!
[16:59] <ECagle> STAN!
[16:59] <TGM_Marc> Cagle%
[16:59] <JDWiker> Greetings, Cagle!
[16:59] <ECagle> REDMAN!
[16:59] <Mat_Smith> Like the wind, Stan!. But on a schedule.
[16:59] <RichRedman> Were there monkeys? Were they terrible space
[16:59] <ECagle> SPARKY!
[16:59] <Astros> Are you going to take other questions?
[16:59] <TGM_Marc> Hey, Cagle, did you get your sealed
letter today?
[16:59] <JDWiker> Astros: Certainly.
[16:59] <Astros> :)
[17:00] <TGM_Stan> We're going to take ALL questions, Astros
[17:00] <ECagle> Sealed letter?...
[17:00] <RichRedman> Oh, I don't know. You might not want to give us
any openings...
[17:00] * KingOfLaw hopes that got through
[17:00] <TGM_Stan> But the answers will be random
[17:00] *** Stinger has joined #TGM
[17:00] <JDWiker> Doh! He didn't get it!
[17:00] <TGM_Marc> Ask Wendy about it tomorrow, Cagle.
[17:00] <TGM_Stan> Mike!
[17:00] <ECagle> Good or bad?
[17:00] <TGM_Marc> It's IMPORTANT.
[17:00] <Mat_Smith> Hey, Mike.
[17:00] <TGM_Marc> VITAL!
[17:00] <TGM_Marc> (well, in a geeky sort of way)
[17:00] <Garen> A weighty matter of life and death!
[17:00] <TGM_Stan> This has to be an Ever-geek thing
[17:00] <JDWiker> Stop giving him clues, Moriarty.
[17:00] <Stinger> Hello Stan!, Mat, all
[17:01] <JDWiker> Mike!
[17:01] <TGM_Marc> Hello, Mike#
[17:01] <Garen> We're sorry, Mike, but things are all full up. I'm
going to have to ask you to leave.
[17:01] <ECagle> Oh..kudos to young master marc for watching
the beast while we were gone ;)
[17:01] <Stinger> OK ! Bye! :-P
[17:01] <JDWiker> Never mind Garen, Mike.
[17:01] <TGM_Marc> Mocha was a doll :)
[17:01] <Garen> Marc, on the other hand...
[17:01] <TGM_Stan> How're things in the Big Pachinko, Mike?
[17:02] <TGM_Marc> This is where JD tries to get things
started, I think....
[17:02] <Mat_Smith> Marc's more like one of those cymbal-clanging
[17:02] <JDWiker> So, now that the gang's all here, why don't we
[17:02] <RichRedman> Yes, let's.
[17:02] <ECagle> Rodney, get to work...
[17:02] <JDWiker> Welcome to the GAME MECHANICS chat # something ...
[17:02] <RodneyThompson> The what now?
[17:02] <Stinger> The usual. Had to go do the New Year's aisatsu
(greeting) thing yesterday a.m. Usually don't have to ride the
train so early. Crowded. Ugh...
[17:02] *** Geist has joined #TGM
[17:03] <JDWiker> Tonight we'll be talking with the authors of our
newest book, Modern Magic!
[17:03] <JDWiker> Guys, introduce yourselves.
[17:03] *** Rooks has joined #TGM
[17:03] <ECagle> Go Mat
[17:03] <JDWiker> That means now.
[17:03] * RichRedman nudges Eric, Mat, and Mike.
[17:03] <KingOfLaw> Who do I have to kill to get a copy of said
book? :P
[17:03] *** Kalai has joined #TGM
[17:03] <RichRedman> Guys, it doesn't matter who goes first.
[17:03] <ECagle> Hi ya'll, I'm Eric Cagle, one of the authors of
Modern Magic
[17:03] *** Duloth has joined #TGM
[17:03] <Rooks> hello
[17:03] <TGM_Stan> What kind of question is that for the "King of
LAW" to ask?
[17:04] <Duloth> Hmm...
[17:04] <ECagle> You may have seen me in such feature films as Urban
Arcana, d20 Menace Manual, and Fiend Folio
[17:04] * KingOfLaw watches as all the RoE'ers come in
[17:04] <KingOfLaw> Stan: I am lawful evil :P
[17:04] <Duloth> You'll always be King of Chaos to me.
[17:04] <JDWiker> We will be using protocol tonight, so, speakers,
when you're done speaking, type /ga (or ga on a new line).
[17:04] <JDWiker> Mat--you're up!
[17:05] <RichRedman> Mat, put Melissa down and type!
[17:05] <KingOfLaw> lol
[17:05] *** Stinger is now known as Mike_M
[17:05] <ECagle> Are you two still at the office?
[17:05] <RichRedman> Yes, Mat and I are still in South2
[17:05] <Mat_Smith> Hey there. I'm Mat (that's not a typo) Smith,
another of the authors of Modern Magic--which is the first game
product I've wormed my way into doing.
[17:05] <KingOfLaw> (You guys have an office? O_o)
[17:06] <JDWiker> King ... sssh.
[17:06] <RichRedman> Just a reminder to Mat and Eric: When you're
done, add /ga at the end of your message so Mike can know it's
his turn.
[17:06] <KingOfLaw> (Sorry..I was suffering from office envy)
[17:06] <ECagle> gotcha
[17:06] * /set: invalid parameters
[17:06] <Mat_Smith> Googling my name will turn up a swath of artciles
i write for the Wizards of the Coast website every month, and
reference to a handful of things you might have seen in Dragon
[17:07] <Mat_Smith> /ga
[17:07] <JDWiker> Mike?
[17:08] <ECagle> oh yeah, I've done a slew of adventures and articles
for the Wizards site and Dragon Magazine (shameless plug). ga
[17:08] <Mike_M> I'm Mike Montesa, also a contributor to MM. I've
written for WEG (with Stan!), Pyramid, GRG, and Pinnacle. /ga
[17:09] <JDWiker> So we're talking about the book these three have
written (though we'll take questions on other subjects).
[17:09] <JDWiker> To begin the discussion, Modern Magic is a book
that explores the concept of magic in d20 Modern being a bit more
like how it's perceived in real life.
[17:09] <RichRedman> Yay! JD, Stan!, Marc, and I are The Game
Mechanics, your hosts for this session. Try the veal and don't
forget to tip your waitress.
[17:09] <KingOfLaw> Subtle and unseen? :)
[17:09] <JDWiker> Or, alternately, how the high-powered magic of d20
Modern might be used in the real world.
[17:09] <JDWiker> So, if you have a question, type a ? and I'll put
you on the list.
[17:09] <TGM_Stan> If you have a question, type a "?" ... if you have
a comment, type a "!" ... JD is moderating and will call on you
in order
[17:09] <JDWiker> If you have an immediate, on-topic comment, type a !
and I'll try to call on you ASAP.
[17:10] <JDWiker> Thanks, Stan.
[17:10] *** Zouron has joined #TGM
[17:10] <JDWiker> Let the questions begin!
[17:10] <TGM_Stan> Oops ... sorry, JD
[17:10] <RodneyThompson> ?
[17:10] <JDWiker> Go, Rodney!
[17:10] *** TGM_Marc sets mode: +v ECagle
[17:10] *** TGM_Marc sets mode: +v Mat_Smith
[17:10] <RichRedman> Hey! Zouron! Welcome!
[17:10] *** TGM_Marc sets mode: +v Mike_M
[17:10] <RodneyThompson> Might as well start things off, eh? Just
curious if we'll be seeing more of the ritual magic from Urban
Arcana, Incantations, in this book?
[17:11] * Zouron waves
[17:11] <JDWiker> Sounds like a good question for you, Eric.
[17:11] <ECagle> yeah, I'll take this one
[17:11] <ECagle> Yes, we go in depth with incantations, including
creating a new "lesser" version of them that are weaker, but more
[17:12] <ECagle> Again, to duplicate the "Buffy Magic" where people
who shouldn't be able to cast spells can.
[17:12] <ECagle> ga
[17:12] <JDWiker> Next question?
[17:12] <JDWiker> The queue is currently empty.
[17:12] <Garen> ?
[17:12] <JDWiker> Go, Garen!
[17:12] <TGM_Stan> How do we have so many visitors and no questions?
[17:13] <JDWiker> (Stage fright, Stan.)
[17:13] <ECagle> should I expound?
[17:13] <RichRedman> Either they're shy, or our crazy monkey antics
frighten them.
[17:13] <JDWiker> Let's hear Garen's question.
[17:13] <Alex_Knight> ?
[17:13] <Garen> Is this book focused more on the abilities side of
things (spells, magic items) or on the character (classes and feats)?
[17:13] <JDWiker> (Or read it, rather.)
[17:13] <TGM_Stan> Remember, folks, while we're focusing on Modern
Magic, we'll take questions on any subject
[17:13] <Mike_M> Stunned by your aura Steve...
[17:13] <JDWiker> Alex, you're on the list, thanks.
[17:13] <Garen> That is to say, are we to expect more magic, or more
magical .characters.?
[17:13] <RichRedman> Not everyone's named Steve, Mike.
[17:13] <KingOfLaw> Well, I am here more to learn about Modern Magic,
since I don't have the book yet.
[17:14] <Mike_M> ;-)
[17:14] <juanjose> ?
[17:14] <RichRedman> Go authors, go! Answer Garen!
[17:14] <JDWiker> Gotcha, Juan.
[17:14] <ECagle> More magic, although there will be plenty of new
prestige classes, feats, etc
[17:14] <ECagle> and ways to make yourself "mo magickal"
[17:15] <TGM_Marc> Maybe each of you should talk a bit
about your section of the book, so people know what's coming in it.
[17:15] <ECagle> Surrrre
[17:15] <JDWiker> Good idea, Marc. Cagle, tell us what's in
your section.
[17:15] <ECagle> I covered the new magical system called "Ritual Magic"
[17:15] <ECagle> It introduces a new prestige class, called the
Ritualist, that mimics many of the magical groups out there in the
real world
[17:16] <ECagle> Wicca, paganism, and ceremonial magicians (such as
the OTO)
[17:16] <JDWiker> "OTO"?
[17:16] <ECagle> Ordo Templis Orientalis
[17:16] <ECagle> It's a real group, look it up ;)
[17:16] <TGM_Stan> Oh ... THAT "OTO"
[17:16] <ECagle> Golden Dawn type of stuff
[17:17] <TGM_Marc> ...and not "Otto" from "A Fish
Called Wanda"
[17:17] <ECagle> In essence, if you want to create a cababl of wizards
with pentagrams, incense, and magic wands, this is your section
[17:17] <JDWiker> How different is your ritual magic from the
incantations rules?
[17:17] <ECagle> good question, Mr. Wiker
[17:17] <ECagle> In short, it breaks down the "doing" of ritual magic
into its parts
[17:18] <ECagle> for example, I go indepth about material components,
and the symbolism required to make incantations go off
[17:18] <ECagle> For those of you with an actual magical bent, you'll
see many of the "laws of magic" being used. /ga
[17:18] <JDWiker> Can you give us an example of symbolism, Eric?
[17:18] <ECagle> Sure.
[17:18] <JDWiker> (Don't worry, gang: I've still got you in queue.)
[17:19] <ECagle> Magic is broken down into the five classical
elements: air, earth, water, fire, and spirit
[17:19] <ECagle> By learning about Air, for example, you can cast
spells that directly affect the wind
[17:19] * RichRedman will be back in a few minutes.
[17:19] *** RichRedman has quit IRC
[17:19] * KingOfLaw wants this book NOW -.-
[17:19] <TGM_Marc> That's it: Redman is fired.
[17:19] <TGM_Marc> :)
[17:19] <ECagle> OR you can mimic an "abstract" wicca,
air corresponds to intellect, so you could use it to increase your
Intelligence stat
[17:19] <Garen> Ooh!
[17:19] * Garen was next on the hiring list. Really he was.
[17:20] <ECagle> Keep going?
[17:20] <JDWiker> No, I think that covers it for now. We'll see if
we get questions on it later.
[17:20] <TGM_Marc> (You'll be working for pine needles,
Garen. I hope that works for you.)
[17:20] <JDWiker> Mike, tell us about your part of the book.
[17:21] <Duloth> Sounds like wheel of time.
[17:21] *** ascendance has joined #TGM
[17:21] * RodneyThompson echoes Duloth's sentiments.
[17:21] <ECagle> Ahhh but where do you think Robert Jordan got it
from? ;)
[17:21] <Mike_M> I did the section military magic; how would the
military adapt and use magic if it existed
[17:22] <Mike_M> Scary idea, no?
[17:22] <RodneyThompson> !
[17:22] <JDWiker> Go ahead, Rodney.
[17:22] <RodneyThompson> Funny, I've been playing Rainbow Six 3 all
week and I kept wondering how nice it would be to walk through walls
as a countererrorist. That kind of thing?
[17:23] <JDWiker> Keep going, Mike.
[17:23] <Mike_M> Well, I've got a Magic Spec Ops prestige class, so
your Delta operator can sling spells now...
[17:23] *** RichRedman has joined #TGM
[17:23] *** RichRedman sets mode: +q RichRedman
[17:23] <TGM_Marc> OK, Rich is hired again.
[17:23] <Garen> Nooo!
[17:24] <JDWiker> Hush! Do I need to separate you two?
[17:24] <RichRedman> Which explains to everyone who was here early why
Marc is the one who usually gets choked.
[17:24] <ECagle> The concept pic for the Magic Spec Op is sweet
[17:24] <JDWiker> Anything else you can tell about your section, Mike?
[17:24] *** ECagle has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped.)
[17:24] <Mike_M> But there's also the "Magic Grunt", your basic 11
Bravo type, only w/spells, and a more dedicated military spell
[17:25] *** ECagle has joined #TGM
[17:25] <ECagle> ugh, sorry...trial version of Ircle :(
[17:25] <JDWiker> No worries, Cagle.
[17:26] <DerekNafaiJones> !
[17:26] <Mat_Smith> I suppose I have the more generic third of the
bookMy chunk of the book is focused on new arcane & divine spells
(0-5th-level) and a small truckload of new magic items. I tried to
concoct material that felt as if it were actually created/crafted
by adventurous spellcasters in the modern world (as opposed to just
adapting existing spells/items to the d20 Modern setting).
[17:26] *** TGM_Marc sets mode: +v ECagle
[17:26] <JDWiker> Derek, you had a comment?
[17:26] <Mat_Smith> ((sorry--I hit "return" too early. Yow.))
[17:26] <DerekNafaiJones> Just that that man knows his Spec Ops (to
Eric's comment) :)
[17:27] <Kalai> ?
[17:27] <JDWiker> Hey, we try to find people who know what they're
talking about, eh?
[17:27] <JDWiker> Any more info for us, Mike? What about military
magic items?
[17:27] <juanjose> ( try xchat, an open source IRC client with a MacOS
version, )
[17:27] <JDWiker> (Kalai, I've got you in queue.)
[17:27] <Geist> (like a m16 that never breaks :P)
[17:28] *** ECagle has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped.)
[17:28] *** juanjose has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped.)
[17:28] <Garen> Uh oh.
[17:28] <JDWiker> They'll be back.
[17:28] *** Gary has joined #TGM
[17:28] *** juanjose has joined #TGM
[17:28] <Gary> 'Lo. Sorry I am late.
[17:28] * KingOfLaw brutalizes peer
[17:28] <Mike_M> I don't know if some of these made the cut but I've
got the "all weather helmet cover", "rucksack of holding" things
like that.
[17:28] *** Astros has left #TGM
[17:28] <JDWiker> Gary!
[17:28] <JDWiker> You made it!
[17:28] <Gary> JD!
[17:29] <Gary> I did indeed.
[17:29] <Mike_M> Just imagine going into your local surplus store and
seeing all that stuff, but with this sort of weird glow. ;-)
[17:29] <JDWiker> Excellent ... anything else, Mike, before I move on
to Mat?
[17:29] <Mike_M> ga
[17:29] <JDWiker> Mat! Tell us about your section of the book--more
than you already have, that is. :)
[17:30] *** ECagle has joined #TGM
[17:30] *** TGM_Marc sets mode: +v ECagle
[17:30] <JDWiker> Welcome back, Eric?
[17:30] <ECagle> Urge to kill...rising...
[17:30] *** Alex_Knight has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped.)
[17:30] *** TGM_Stan has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped.)
[17:30] *** Mike_M has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped.)
[17:30] *** Geist has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped.)
[17:30] *** KingOfLaw has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped.)
[17:30] <RichRedman> holy cow.
[17:30] <Mat_Smith> Gee whiz, I think I already spilled the beans on
my section.
[17:30] <Duloth> How fun!
[17:30] <TGM_Marc> Yeah... Happens from time to time.
[17:30] <ECagle> you broke it, you bought it.
[17:30] <JDWiker> Man, I feel like I'm in an Aliens movie.
[17:30] <Garen> Psionics has a case of the Mondays.
[17:30] *** TGM_Stan has joined #TGM
[17:30] *** TGM_Stan sets mode: +q TGM_Stan
[17:30] <juanjose> (there is an ilithid around)
[17:30] <RodneyThompson> Bughunters, JD. ;)
[17:30] <JDWiker> Okie-doke, then!
[17:30] <Zouron> wb lord stan! ;-)
[17:30] <Mat_Smith> (This mind-ripping sounds painful and annoying.)
[17:31] *** Alex_Knight has joined #TGM
[17:31] <TGM_Stan> ouch
[17:31] <JDWiker> Well, Alex, you're just in time to take your place
in the queue. What's your question tonight?
[17:31] <JDWiker> (Queue is empty after Alex, by the way ...)
[17:31] <Alex_Knight> What imagery is the influence behind the book?
Or was it simply, "d20 Modern needs more magic."?
[17:31] *** KingOfLaw has joined #TGM
[17:31] <TGM_Stan> I'll take that one
[17:32] <JDWiker> Go, Stan!
[17:32] <KingOfLaw> gah!..i'm hit!
[17:32] * KingOfLaw dies
[17:32] <TGM_Stan> The idea for this book started during desing of
teh Modern Player's Companion ...
[17:32] <JDWiker> "Desing" means "Design."
[17:32] <TGM_Stan> We were talking about the ways magic would be
different if spellcasters were real modern folk ...
[17:33] <KingOfLaw> You sure that wasn't a typo? ;)
[17:33] *** Geist has joined #TGM
[17:33] <TGM_Stan> and we included some of that material in the MPC.
But it just became clear that there was soooo much more to the
topic ...
[17:33] <Duloth> Does it have any/much on real-life 'magic' sources
such as Vodoun and etc.?
[17:33] <JDWiker> Eric, care to tackle Duloth's question?
[17:33] *** Mike_M has joined #TGM
[17:34] <JDWiker> (Remember to type ? if you have a question.)
[17:34] <ECagle> The ritualist section talks about "western
magic"--wicca and ceremonial magic
[17:34] <TGM_Stan> Modern Magic contains spells, classes, feats, and
other ancillary material that represents real modern take on the
uses of magic.
[17:34] <TGM_Stan> ga
[17:34] <Mike_M> Woops.
[17:34] <ECagle> It's a topic all on its own. Voudon is just too big
to have fit in this too /ga
[17:34] <Duloth> (Sorry. Wasn't informed.)
[17:34] <JDWiker> Queue is empty ... questions?
[17:34] <KingOfLaw> ?
[17:35] <ECagle> But you MAY see it in the future... /ga
[17:35] <JDWiker> King of Law, go.
[17:35] <TGM_Stan> Oooo ... Eric, you're such a tease
[17:35] <juanjose> ?
[17:35] <KingOfLaw> Does the book touch on religious magic like jewish
[17:35] <JDWiker> Juan, got you in queue again.
[17:35] <KingOfLaw> Kinda like catholic priests that can perform
miracles, etc.?
[17:35] <TGM_Marc> To be perfectly clear: What we're
really talking about here is Modern Magic Volume One, which is
the first of two planned volumes. The second volume contents aren't
in stone yet.
[17:36] <ECagle> But getting stonier every day :)
[17:36] <Mat_Smith> Or at least clay-ish.
[17:36] <JDWiker> ("I didn't ... exhale?")
[17:36] <RodneyThompson> So that's what the TGM office is like.
Getting stoned every day.
[17:37] <Garen> "Office." Heh..
[17:37] <ECagle> The "office" is between JD's bathroom and the linen
closet. :)
[17:37] <KingOfLaw> Bah, I bet the new D20 standards probably killed
the idea of religious magic in D20 modern.
[17:37] <TGM_Stan> So, the answer is "Not in Volume 1"
[17:37] <JDWiker> Yep. Next question, from Juan?
[17:37] <juanjose> more than a question I'd like Mike_M to describe
a couple of modern magic items :)
[17:38] <Mike_M> OK, wait one.
[17:38] <JDWiker> Let's give Mike a second, since he's connecting
from Japan ...
[17:38] <TGM_Stan> Mat could describe one, also
[17:38] <JDWiker> Good call. Mat, tell us about an item real
[17:39] <TGM_Marc> Heh - He might not know the final mix
of items for the first volume!
[17:39] <ECagle> Yeah, you edited out all the ones without verbs
[17:39] <Mike_M> May I?
[17:39] <JDWiker> Pretty much everything he wrote, except the CDs
(which are still in development).
[17:39] <JDWiker> Go, Mike!
[17:40] <Mat_Smith> OK. (no kidding, Marc.) just a quick one is the
Fireproof Decal when affixed to a creature or object, it provides
energy resistance 10 against fire, up to a cumulative total of 50
points of fire damamge.
[17:41] <JDWiker> What's it look like, Mat?
[17:41] <Mike_M> I'm not sure if it made the cut, but one thing I
came up with was the "half-shelter Hilton". Your typical two-man
shelter, but inside is an extra-dimensional space that is immune
to weather effects.
[17:41] <Mat_Smith> (*still* in development. Yes.)
[17:41] <JDWiker> It's in there, Mike!
[17:41] <TGM_Stan> Oh yeah, Mike ... that's still in there.
[17:42] <Mike_M> My personalfavorite was the "boonie hat of hiding".
Put it on and you get a bonus to hide checks. :-)
[17:42] <JDWiker> No questions in the queue.
[17:42] <RichRedman> I still have my boonie hat from Desert Storm.
Woohoo! A prop!
[17:42] <DerekNafaiJones> ?
[17:42] <JDWiker> Go, Derek!
[17:42] <Mat_Smith> The Fireproof Decal is a narrow, refelective,
white decal with bold red lettering that reads "NONFLAMMABLE".
Smack it on something you don't want singed, and you're set.
[17:42] * Geist is just a spectator doesnt have any questions related to
the book :(
[17:43] <DerekNafaiJones> This is an easy many pages do we
[17:43] <JDWiker> Marc, do you have a total count?
[17:43] <TGM_Marc> One sec.
[17:43] <TGM_Stan> Geist, you can as ANY questions ... not just ones
about this particular book
[17:43] <RichRedman> "Inflammable" means flammable? What a country!
[17:43] <TGM_Marc> I don't have layout... I have word
count. 30k.
[17:43] <DerekNafaiJones> gotcha
[17:43] <JDWiker> He said nonflammable, Redman!
[17:43] <RodneyThompson> So about the same length as other TGM
[17:43] <TGM_Marc> 60 pages of Word document.
[17:44] <JDWiker> 30,000 words should equal about 38-45
pages--somewhere in there.
[17:44] <Mike_M> The Half-Shelter Hilton was inspired by a guy I knew
in the service, long ago.
[17:44] <TGM_Stan> I'm going to unscientifically estimate 36-38 pages
in final format
[17:44] * DerekNafaiJones hisses at the sound of teh word "Word" and runs in
the corner
[17:44] <RichRedman> Nobody gets me.
[17:44] <Mat_Smith> Yakov
[17:44] <JDWiker> Had his own personal hotel in his shelter, did he?
[17:44] <Geist> though slightly off topic me thinks. im wondering how
much it costs a publisher to do a good run of a book. (feel free not
to answer this one since it does edge on private information)
[17:44] <TGM_Stan> Oh, I'm gonna "get" you, Redman
[17:44] <RichRedman> Wrong, Mat.
[17:44] <TGM_Marc> I can cut and paste one magic item in,
if you want....
[17:44] <JDWiker> Stan, got any insights on Geist's question?
[17:44] <Mike_M> Almost! His nickname was "Hilton" He always had all
kinds of little creature comforts with him.
[17:45] <RichRedman> Anyone else care to guess?
[17:45] <RodneyThompson> Gallagher?
[17:45] <TGM_Stan> Ummmm ...
[17:45] <RichRedman> Nope.
[17:45] <JDWiker> Stay on target.
[17:45] <juanjose> Sean K reynolds has a good article about that at
his website
[17:45] <ECagle> Ah, Sean :)
[17:45] <ECagle> sorry...staying on target
[17:45] <Garen> Sean who? :P
[17:45] <TGM_Stan> Oh ... wait ... just as an aside, "All Things
Considered" is doing an RPG-related piece right now
[17:45] *** Duloth has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped.)
[17:46] * Geist takes not to check that out :)
[17:46] <Gary> Oh?
[17:46] <Gary> Is it good PR or bad PR?
[17:46] <JDWiker> And that's our cue ... to go the queue.
[17:46] <JDWiker> Which is ... um ... empty.
[17:46] <RodneyThompson> It's NPR
[17:46] <TGM_Stan> Geist, it depends A LOT on how big he book is, what
format, whether it's color or b/w ... there's no easy answer. But
you should expect to spend a few thousand dollars just for printing
[17:46] <RodneyThompson> Badum, tisshh!
[17:46] <Zouron> JD> nice try though
[17:46] <Gary> ::rim shot:: for Rodney
[17:46] <Mat_Smith> Hey, here's one that's got a nifty illo. you might
have seen on TGM webpage
[17:47] <TGM_Stan> ga
[17:47] <JDWiker> What's that, Mat?
[17:47] <juanjose> ?
[17:47] <Mat_Smith> Bah. The Pet Rock of Earth Elemental Summoning.
[17:47] *** Kalai has left #TGM
[17:47] <TGM_Stan> Well, gentlemen, I have to leave in a minute
[17:47] <JDWiker> Juan, you're up.
[17:48] <ECagle> Hey, Stan!, I need to talk to you about Project X
[17:48] <Mike_M> I have to get going too. I'm off to work in 5.
[17:48] <juanjose> what other books are planned from TGM for early
2004? a new scion book? MM2, what else?
[17:48] <Zouron> stan!> may you draw a lot till next time ;-)
[17:48] <JDWiker> Marc, care to tackle Juan's question?
[17:48] <DerekNafaiJones> Have fun, Stan!
[17:48] <TGM_Stan> Thanks, Z
[17:48] *** Alex_Knight has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped.)
[17:48] <TGM_Marc> OK.
[17:48] <JDWiker> Later, Stan! See you at lunch?
[17:48] <Gary> See ya later, Stan.
[17:48] <RodneyThompson> Goodbye, Stan!
[17:48] <Mat_Smith> See ya, Stan!
[17:48] <TGM_Stan> Yup ... see y'all at comics lunch
[17:48] <TGM_Marc> The next big book (and I mean 80 pages)
is the first City Quarters book.
[17:48] <Geist> night Stan
[17:49] <TGM_Marc> The Thieves' Quarter.
[17:49] <TGM_Stan> Take care all. Thanks for coming. Don't forget to
tip the waitstaff.
[17:49] <juanjose> oh forgot about that one, sounds VERY nice
[17:49] * DerekNafaiJones cheers for Theives' Quarter
[17:49] <Mike_M> Have a good day, er, night, whatever...everyone!
[17:49] <ECagle> Bye Mike!
[17:49] <Mat_Smith> Bye, Mike.
[17:49] <RodneyThompson> Bye Mike.
[17:49] <TGM_Marc> We figured out a while back that GMs
don't really want complete settings - they'll pick and choose what
they want to add to their home campaigns.
[17:49] <Gary> Can't wait to see TQ. :)
[17:49] <JDWiker> WE'll have to make sure we get Chris here for the
chat about THAT book ...
[17:49] *** Mike_M has quit IRC (Quit: Quit.)
[17:50] *** TGM_Stan has left #TGM
[17:50] <TGM_Marc> So, we've developed a full Thieves
Quarter with that in mind: The pieces are all granular. If you want
the whole thing, you can take it.
[17:50] <juanjose> (my wife came to pick me up, see you guys, make
sure to post the chat log!)
[17:50] <TGM_Marc> If you just want one NPC or, say, the
Alchemist's shop with the poison lab, you can just take those parts.
[17:50] *** Alex_Knight has joined #TGM
[17:50] *** juanjose has quit IRC (Quit: Client exiting.)
[17:50] <TGM_Marc> IT all works together, but it's
completely granular.
[17:50] <TGM_Marc> Checking the schedule... :)
[17:51] <TGM_Marc> Rich is going to lead a series of
Modern adventures....
[17:51] <RichRedman> Yepper
[17:51] <TGM_Marc> You have anything you'd like to say
about them now, Rich?
[17:51] <Gary> More good stuff like "Reaping," Rich?
[17:51] <RichRedman> First off - thanks for the plug, Gary.
[17:51] <Gary> Which one? ;)
[17:52] <ECagle> Good adventure...full of zombie goodness
[17:52] <RichRedman> The intent is to create 4 adventures this year,
all linked together as a mini-campaign and set in the same universe
as Reaping. BUT...
[17:52] * Zouron smiles brightly at the sound of more modern adventures.
[17:52] <KingOfLaw> Adventures have to be the hardest thing to
write :P
[17:52] <RichRedman> They will also contain extensive guides for
playing with NO FX, and guides for using the independently of each
[17:52] <RodneyThompson> Thank You, and Come Again....For the Reaping
[17:53] <ECagle> KingofLaw...adventures ARE tough.
[17:53] <TGM_Marc> There will be a new Scion book.
Probably Rings, but JD's choice. JD?
[17:53] <RichRedman> There's another feature, but we're still
working on the details with a partner, so I can only tease that
much about it. /ga
[17:53] * RodneyThompson perks up.
[17:53] <Geist> yeah id rather keep just writing rules than
adventures myself.
[17:54] <RichRedman> I *love* writing adventures.
[17:54] <TGM_Marc> That may have skipped past JD, so I'll
repeat it:
[17:54] <TGM_Marc> There will be a new Scion book.
Probably Rings, but JD's choice. JD?
[17:54] <KingOfLaw> I have adventure ideas, but they just take so
much creative juice out of you.
[17:54] <JDWiker> Sorry ... was zoning out there.
[17:54] <JDWiker> Yes, it's looking like Rings (and other jewelry).
[17:54] <ECagle> Earrings of Power...
[17:54] <RichRedman> Yeah, King, but I have so much ju...oh, I better
not go there.
[17:54] <Zouron> Rich> based on Reaping.. I would say that your
affection for it shows :-)
[17:54] <KingOfLaw> o_o
[17:54] <TGM_Marc> And, the last thing I'll mention right
now is that we really want to get a second City Quarters book out
next year.
[17:54] <ECagle> Ahhhhh! Thanks for the visual, Rich
[17:55] <KingOfLaw> Hey, when it comes to monsters, I have more than
enough 'juice' so to speak.
[17:55] <KingOfLaw> er
[17:55] <RodneyThompson> Sounds like a great lineup.
[17:55] <TGM_Marc> Again, the City Quarters content is
JD's call, but I think it's in quick-drying cement by this time.
[17:55] * Geist finds this rather interesting as i just picked up the
modern GM screen / come for the reaping yesterday
[17:55] <TGM_Marc> ga
[17:55] <JDWiker> Yes, the foundation is laid ... for the Temple
[17:56] <RichRedman> Geist, if you have any questions, ask, or drop
by our message boards. I check them frequently.
[17:56] <JDWiker> As do we all, actually.
[17:56] * Zouron thinks it is a shame you guys don't drop by here more
often ;-)
[17:56] <JDWiker> Well, it's rolling up on 6 PM ... and we're WAY
[17:56] * Garen does, too.
[17:56] <KingOfLaw> lol
[17:56] <TGM_Marc> Geist: Check the free material on the
website, too. There are some alternative pieces for Reaping there.
[17:56] <Gary> Shocking, isn't it?
[17:56] <RichRedman> yeah, well, there's that whole "job" thing, you
[17:56] <JDWiker> Feel free to chat like crazy at this point.
[17:56] <RichRedman> So quotes nobody noticed:
[17:57] <RichRedman> I referred to the Swanky Modes, and it slipped
by everyone.
[17:57] <Geist> oh ive been all over your website :) as an aspiring w
riter ive done alot of investigating of the various d20 companies.
[17:57] <RichRedman> Then there was "Inflammable means flammable?
What a country!"
[17:57] <JDWiker> Simpsons.
[17:57] <RichRedman> Thank you, JD. It was in fact Dr. Nick.
[17:57] <RodneyThompson> Curses! I should have known that one.
[17:58] <TGM_Marc> Geist: This page has a link to a pdf
called "Customizing the Reaping" :
[17:58] <JDWiker> I knew all along--I could even hear him saying that.
[17:58] <ECagle> Someone put the whip back on Rodney to get writing!
[17:58] <RodneyThompson> Hey!
[17:58] <ECagle> heh.
[17:58] <RichRedman> The Swanky Modes appear in the underappreciated
John Cusack/Tim Robbins film from former-Monkee Mike Nesmith,
[17:58] <KingOfLaw> Geist: How many times have I offered you a
writing job now?..5 ot 6 times? Sheesh.
[17:58] <TGM_Marc> Geist: This page has info on an
alternate zombie template called "Anthropophagi" :
[17:58] * DerekNafaiJones stops playing with the whip and places it back on
[17:58] <RodneyThompson> I've been writing all day, cut me some slack.
[17:58] <ECagle> Any....other...Modern...Magic questions?
[17:58] * RodneyThompson shrugs.
[17:59] <RichRedman> For the record: It should be out early next week
[17:59] <RichRedman> It's not a question, but at least it's on topic.
[17:59] <KingOfLaw> Same thing with guys just want to
jump into the big boys arena instead of toeing the pool first :P
[17:59] <TGM_Marc> Yep. If I can shake this cold....
[17:59] <RodneyThompson> Great! I'll be looking for it to go live.
[17:59] * Zouron is more busy with psionics lately then modern magic :-p
so no Qs
[17:59] <Garen> What huh?
[17:59] <Gary> Stupid question: how about magic bullets?
[17:59] *** ECagle has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped.)
[18:00] *** ECagle has joined #TGM
[18:00] <RodneyThompson> May even use some stuff in it for my
playtest group.
[18:00] <ECagle> hi again
[18:00] <JDWiker> I think we gave up on those with Kennedy.
[18:00] <Zouron> wb Cagle
[18:00] <RodneyThompson> ZING
[18:00] <DerekNafaiJones> I dunno--the Mythbusters semi-successfully
made a magic bullet.
[18:00] <RichRedman> In closing, I just want to say that if logic
prevailed, men would ride sidesaddle.
[18:00] <RichRedman> Good night, all!
[18:00] <RodneyThompson> Ha!
[18:00] <TGM_Marc> Later, Rich.
[18:00] <RodneyThompson> G'night Rich.
[18:00] <Zouron> night rich
[18:00] *** RichRedman has quit IRC
[18:01] <Garen> A smart man, that one...
[18:01] <ECagle> Mat, did you do up Magic bullets?
[18:01] <Mat_Smith> If I get those CDs done, I've got a pocketful of
magic ammunition I wnated to load up in Volume Two, if there's
still room/time.
[18:01] <Mat_Smith> I mean, *when* I get tose CDs done...
[18:01] <Mat_Smith> those
[18:01] <ECagle> If I don't hit my word count, there will be KIDDING!
[18:01] <JDWiker> It'll be tricky, Mat--you've already written so
much that your part of Part II is finished.
[18:01] <Mat_Smith> bah
[18:02] <RodneyThompson> So when is JD actually going to write
something again?
[18:02] <JDWiker> So you'd have to cut stuff--stuff I've already
edited, mind you--to get it into Part II.
[18:02] <JDWiker> When I sober up.
[18:02] *** Lobo has joined #TGM
[18:02] <Gary> I thought you didn't
[18:02] <Garen> JD doesn't write anymore. He just points to a random
file on his computer and says "sell that."
[18:02] <Mat_Smith> Ah, yes.
[18:02] <ECagle> Jd's a Sterno man.
[18:02] <DerekNafaiJones> lol
[18:02] <Zouron> JD> any chances of that happening any time soon?
[18:02] <Gary> So JD is the "Front Line Assembly" of freelancers?
[18:02] <Lobo> Hi all
[18:03] <ECagle> Howdy Lobo
[18:03] <Mat_Smith> Hey, Lobo.
[18:03] <Zouron> hey Lobo
[18:03] <JDWiker> Evening, sheriff.
[18:03] <Gary> Hiya, Lobo.
[18:03] <Lobo> How long is the Chat scheduled for tonight?
[18:03] <JDWiker> Which part, Zouron?
[18:03] <ECagle> JD doesn't write stuff, he just tortures us with his
[18:03] <Zouron> JD> sobering up ;-)
[18:03] <JDWiker> Pfft!
[18:03] <RodneyThompson> You don't have any room to complain.
[18:04] <RodneyThompson> At least you're playing Modern.
[18:04] <ECagle> He's only killed me....twice?
[18:04] <Gary> I second Rodney.
[18:04] <TGM_Marc> I hate to go, but I'm sick and I want
to get away from the computer for a bit. So, I'll have to catch you
all later. If someone sends me a transcript of this chat, I'll try
to post it.
[18:04] <TGM_Marc> Night!
[18:04] *** Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Jan 05 18:04:48 2004