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The following is the (mostly) raw text file from our chat on Tuesday, June 1, 2004. It was logged by Marc Schmalz, so it begins and ends as he enters and leaves the chat room.

Session Start: Tue Jun 01 17:17:04 2004
Session Ident: #TGM
[17:17] *** Now talking in #TGM
[17:17] <effrenatus> Now I have my dot.
[17:17] *** effrenatus sets mode: +o ECagle
[17:17] <ECagle> oooh..I have POWER
[17:17] *** Bynw has joined #TGM
[17:17] *** sets mode: +q Bynw
[17:17] *** effrenatus is now known as effrenatus[TGM_Marc]
[17:17] <BrooklynKnight> ok Eric, ya'rr on. If something happens and   
        ya cant make it,lemmy know 
[17:17] *** Bynw sets mode: -q Bynw
[17:17] *** Bynw sets mode: -o Bynw
[17:17] <Browwiw> use it wisely, Eric
[17:17] <ECagle> Nah :)
[17:18] <Browwiw> remember, if you use it for good, your dad will chop   
        your hand off
[17:18] <BrooklynKnight> hey Chris, i forgot to ask you of all people,   
        you gonna be coming to my shindig post ennies?
[17:18] <ECagle> With great power comes great....aww, screw it.
[17:18] <BrooklynKnight> A spiderman commercial was just on tv too -_-
[17:18] *** RichRedman has joined #TGM
[17:18] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> With great power comes great   
        utility bills.
[17:18] <Browwiw> "are you going to use your powers for good...or   
        for awesome?
[17:18] <Garen> hehehe
[17:18] <RichRedman> GREETINGS!
[17:18] <ECagle> REDMAN!
[17:18] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Hey, Rich
[17:18] <ECagle> GET BACK TO WORK
[17:18] <Garen> Where's ODB and the Ghostfaced Killer?
[17:19] <Browwiw> sigh...when did Homestarrunner and *-bit theatre   
        replace Monte Python at the gaming table...
[17:19] <RichRedman> Hey, Marc - Please make sure to send me a   
        transcript of last week's chat and this one.
[17:19] <Browwiw> howdy, Rich
[17:19] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Right-O.
[17:19] <ECagle> game this week? I'm fuzzy headed..can't   
[17:19] <RichRedman> If by "ODB and the Ghostfaced Killer" you mean   
        JD and Stan!, it's a bit early for JD and Stan!'s at a ballgame
[17:19] *** effrenatus[TGM_Marc] sets mode: +o RichRedman
[17:20] <Garen> Actually, I was making a Wu Tang Clan reference...
[17:20] <RichRedman> I know. I love RZA's work.
[17:20] <ECagle> Kill Bill soundtrack...aww yeah
[17:20] *** MatSmith has joined #TGM
[17:20] *** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Jun 01 17:20:53 2004

Session Start: Tue Jun 01 17:21:09 2004
Session Ident: #TGM
[17:21] *** Now talking in #TGM
[17:21] <ECagle> Mister......Smith.....
[17:21] <effrenatus> This may be a long night.
[17:21] *** effrenatus sets mode: +o MatSmith
[17:21] <Browwiw> I hope JD shows up tonight, I have a couple tedious   
        and pointless stormtrooper stat block questions that are just   
        driving me nuts
[17:21] <ECagle> I'll be bouncing between this and cookin' some pig.
[17:21] <MatSmith> AhŠMister Ca-Gle.
[17:21] <RichRedman> Nope, the nights still getting shorter, for a   
        few more weeks.
[17:22] <ECagle> Ugh. Stat blocks :)
[17:22] <Browwiw> heh
[17:22] <RichRedman> They are your kryptonite, and the source of all   
        my powers.
[17:22] <Browwiw> stormtroopers have far too skill points!!! Argghh!!!
[17:22] <ECagle> Just say "if you shoot a stormtrooper, he falls   
        over dead."
[17:22] <effrenatus> That's how it works in the movies
[17:23] <BrooklynKnight> Stormtroopers arent supposed to have any   
        lol, they are just cannon fodder with a pretty good BAB and Dex
[17:23] <Browwiw> I am kinda anal about making sure throw-away and   
        nameless NPCs play totally by the rules
[17:23] <BrooklynKnight> IMO
[17:23] <Browwiw> it took me forever to come up with a scouttrooper   
        that I liked
[17:23] <ECagle> Storm troopers need love too.
[17:23] <Browwiw> and I've only ever used them twice in a game...
[17:23] <RichRedman> Was his name George?
[17:23] <Browwiw> *sob*
[17:24] <effrenatus> They're all CLONES. Just take one and photocopy   
        it a bunch.
[17:24] <ECagle> Rich, Marc..did you see my additions on the site? 
[17:24] <RichRedman> Uhm, no?
[17:24] <BrooklynKnight> I've made a case for mp3 piracy today :-p.   
        I downloaded a group called Jedi Mind Trick, being a starwars fan   
        and thinking it would be good music. To my utter and complete   
        horror, it was utter crap. It was....rap!
[17:24] <BrooklynKnight> thank god i downloaded and didnt spent a   
        damned cent.
[17:24] <BrooklynKnight> long deleted by now
[17:24] <Browwiw> oh, god, don't start another 'are they clones or   
        not' debate
[17:24] <effrenatus> I saw your stuff,  yep!
[17:24] <Browwiw> people get rabid over that one
[17:24] <BrooklynKnight> Actually, by A New Hope they arent.
[17:25] <ECagle> look in the Product Collaboration section
[17:25] <BrooklynKnight> there might be SOME
[17:25] <MatSmith> >Cagle: I did--nifty stuff. Mr. Schmalz has a   
        toy in there too. 
[17:25] <BrooklynKnight> The commanders perhaps.
[17:25] <ECagle> Yeah, I just saw that.
[17:25] <BrooklynKnight> But near the end of the clone war the empire   
        had to start recruiting people for troopers.
[17:25] <BrooklynKnight> hence Cardia
[17:25] <ECagle> But Marc, why did you name it the "crapinator"?
[17:25] <Browwiw> eh. I use EU at my own discretion
[17:25] <effrenatus> I like apes. Duh.
[17:26] <Browwiw> hell, i use movie facts at my own discretion
[17:26] <ECagle> ooh. monkey guns.
[17:26] <Browwiw> until I was 13 I thought stormtroopers were droids
[17:26] <BrooklynKnight> woulda been a tight fit for luke inside a   
        droid lol
[17:26] <ECagle> Nah, all stormtroopers are dumb-shmo farmers from   
        Tatoo--er, wait.
[17:26] <BrooklynKnight> I know what would be really cool.
[17:26] <BrooklynKnight> The Empire using an army of Warforged.
[17:27] * BrooklynKnight grins an evil grin.
[17:27] <ECagle> They're only in it for the college money, ya know.
[17:27] <BrooklynKnight> heh
[17:27] <Browwiw> oh, crap
[17:27] <MatSmith> But, where would the Empire get all the gnomes to   
        pilot the warforged?
[17:27] <effrenatus> So, you hate that name, eh? *sniff*
[17:27] <ECagle> "One weekend a month, my ass!"
[17:27] <Browwiw> I've often wondered what the stormtrooper   
        retirement package was like
[17:27] <RichRedman> Smith, shut up.
[17:28] <Garen> Oh, hey everyone!
[17:28] <ECagle> Garen, wake up!
[17:28] <BrooklynKnight> So... If i ask ya guys to look over a   
        Prestige Class i've been tinkering with. Will the answer me yes,   
        or will i get smacked for being an opportunist?
[17:28] <Browwiw> if you fall asleap or pass out, you get it with   
        the paint ball gun
[17:28] <Garen> Smacked, methinks.
[17:28] <Browwiw> at least, that's the rule at our new years parties
[17:29] <effrenatus> I'm guessing "smacked" but it's a free country,   
        at least in principle.
[17:29] <MatSmith> **From inside Warforged TK 497** "Ding, dangit!   
        Those durn rebels are closing the blast doors!"
[17:29] <RichRedman> SMITH!
[17:29] <RichRedman> Okay, the clock on the cell phone says it's time   
        to officially begin tonight
[17:29] <BrooklynKnight> i'll email it to rich and eric later :-p
[17:29] <Browwiw> oh, wait I actually have a generic d20 system   
[17:29] <Browwiw> I almost forgot
[17:29] <BrooklynKnight> ask away BrooklynKnight
[17:29] <RichRedman> tonight's chat.
[17:29] <BrooklynKnight> gag
[17:29] <BrooklynKnight> BA
[17:29] <BrooklynKnight> ..
[17:29] <BrooklynKnight> Browwiw
[17:30] <ECagle> Beer in hand. Let's begin :)
[17:30] <RichRedman> So, folks, tonight's topic is Modern Magic vol2,   
        and two of our authors have consented to join us, Eric Cagle   
        and Mat Smith
[17:30] <Browwiw> what would the weapon stats be for a length of   
        chain? all I've seen are stats for spiked chains, but not just   
        good ol' chain
[17:30] * BrooklynKnight bows
[17:30] <ECagle> and you too, Rich.
[17:30] <RichRedman> We put chains in d20 Modern.
[17:31] <Browwiw> really, I didn't find them
[17:31] <MatSmith> My P.O. says this counts as community service.
[17:31] <Browwiw> I even checked the index
[17:31] <BrooklynKnight> Browwiw give me 2 minutes i'll scan the SRD
[17:31] <effrenatus> Let's check this again: Have any of the guests   
        read Modern Magic v2?
[17:31] <Browwiw> christ, this better not be like finding breastplate   
        for the first time after owning the 3e books for 2 years
[17:31] <Browwiw> I own MM2
[17:31] <Browwiw> good stuff
[17:31] <effrenatus> Thanks.
[17:32] * BrooklynKnight cant afford any pdf's and is waiting for the   
        print version.
[17:32] <ECagle> I read it too :)
[17:32] <MatSmith> I've flipped through--just looking at the pictures.
[17:32] <RichRedman> Okay, wise guys
[17:32] <Browwiw> I like the voudon stuff...more additions to my   
        impending Dark matter game
[17:33] <ECagle> Lemme know how well it works in your game.
[17:33] <Garen> Okay, here's a question:
[17:33] <Browwiw> but, I haven't really read it indepth
[17:33] <effrenatus> Please note: Our audience obviously thinks   
        we're leading the pack, because they expect more of us.
[17:33] <effrenatus>   
[17:33] <Browwiw> not to be flip, but the art really was good
[17:34] <BrooklynKnight> Chain
[17:34] <ECagle> Hey, gimme sec, guys.
[17:34] <RichRedman> Thanks. We'll tell our art director, Stan!
[17:34] <BrooklynKnight> Requires Exotic Weapon Prof
[17:34] <BrooklynKnight> does 1d6/1d6 damage
[17:34] <BrooklynKnight> is bludgeoning
[17:34] * Garen will wait.
[17:34] <BrooklynKnight> is large
[17:34] <BrooklynKnight> crits on a 20
[17:34] <MatSmith> I agree--the art's quite good.
[17:34] <BrooklynKnight> 5lbs
[17:34] <BrooklynKnight> and Purchace DC is 5
[17:34] <BrooklynKnight> Hope that helps BrooklynKnight
[17:34] <BrooklynKnight> GA!
[17:34] <BrooklynKnight> Browwiw
[17:34] <Browwiw> hmmm...maybe that's why I didn't see it in the book,   
        it was exotic. In the back of my head I assumed it was Improvised
[17:35] <Browwiw> thanks
[17:35] * BrooklynKnight breaks the tab button
[17:35] <BrooklynKnight> improvised weapons "are" exotic.
[17:35] <BrooklynKnight> for the most part
[17:35] <BrooklynKnight> (you need EWP to be P with em, i belive)
[17:35] <Browwiw> really, though, I didn't know breastplate armor was   
        in the Players Handbook until two years after I bought the book
[17:35] <effrenatus> afk for some h2o. brb
[17:35] <Browwiw> I memorized the entire equipment section but that
[17:36] <ECagle> back!
[17:36] <ECagle> And yes, I liked the art in the book as well.
[17:36] <MatSmith> And that's why Cagle won't wear corduroy.
[17:36] <ECagle> I think when you see both volumes in one bound copy,   
        it'll look sweet
[17:36] <Browwiw> crap, now I have to run upstairs and get the book...
[17:36] <Browwiw> brb
[17:36] <BrooklynKnight> I hope the print copy will be out by gencon...
[17:36] <Garen> Oh, hell.  I'll just ask it.
[17:36] <Garen> TGM seems to have moved from general, broader topics   
        in their Modern products, to more specific, modular sections in   
        them.  Is this a result of having multiple authors on one book,   
        or should we expect to continue?
[17:36] <BrooklynKnight> I'd like to get it signed *cough*
[17:37] <ECagle> oooh. DEEEP QUESTION
[17:37] <RichRedman> Wow, I'm not sure you can call two books a   
        trend - since it's really only the Modern Magic books that are   
        like that.
[17:37] * Bynw goes back to the idlerpg
[17:38] <RichRedman> I do think it's a consequence of multiple   
        authors each having their own areas of interest.
[17:38] *** ECagle has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped.)
[17:38] *** ECagle has joined #TGM
[17:38] <Garen> WB
[17:38] <RichRedman> Ha Ha
[17:38] <ECagle> booted
[17:38] <ECagle> It'll kick me out every half hour
[17:38] <effrenatus> I think the Modern Magic composition will   
        actually be a rarity.
[17:39] <Garen> If I can be entirely frank, I'm glad about that.
[17:39] <RichRedman> I can't think of any of our up-coming products   
        with the same structure. Speaking of which, did everyone see   
        Marc's announcement about our up-coming products?
[17:39] <Garen> Yep! :D
[17:39] <BrooklynKnight> no
[17:39] <MatSmith> Cagle, if you can remember the server name   
        (, you can toss your preferences and restart   
        with a clean 30-day slate. 
[17:39] <Browwiw> yeah, but I was drinking at the time
[17:40] <BrooklynKnight> going to look now
[17:40] <effrenatus> We hope to have the following (and maybe more)   
        done prior to Gen Con: Slave Drivers is the first in a series of   
        modern adventures we'll publish over the summer. In the fantasy   
        category, we have two PDFs building on the legendary weapon rules   
        written by JD and Rich, and re-published in Unearthed Arcana from   
        Wizards of the Coast. Artifacts of the Ages: Rings covers magical   
        jewelry, and Artifacts of the Ages: Legendary Weapons contains a   
        set of weapons contributed by some of our gaming industry friends,   
        plus some new optional rules. More information on all these   
        titles, including a list of author
[17:40] <effrenatus> of authors for Legendary Weapons, will appear   
        on this site in the next couple weeks.
[17:40] <BrooklynKnight> nice
[17:40] <BrooklynKnight> Mat: you can ignore the 30 day thing. ITs   
        never gonna bother you after the 30 days are up.
[17:41] <RichRedman> It bothers me every time I log in
[17:41] <BrooklynKnight> Strange
[17:41] <BrooklynKnight> there should be a place to turn it off
[17:41] <Browwiw> I'll definately buy modern adventures
[17:41] <BrooklynKnight> a "dont show this message" check click   
        or something
[17:41] <MatSmith> Sure, but the getting booted every 30 minutes   
        can be avoided by making the program think you just got started with   
        your free preview.
[17:41] <ECagle> gotcha
[17:41] <ECagle> you tech guy, you.
[17:41] <MatSmith> Heh.
[17:42] <ECagle> Legendary Weapons is gonna be cooooool
[17:42] <BrooklynKnight> if you're gonna do that, which is "illegal"   
        ya might as well take an extra immoral step and just use a   
        cracked key
[17:42] <BrooklynKnight> or Java
[17:42] *** Bynw has left #TGM
[17:42] <Garen> It'd better be.
[17:42] <Browwiw> or mIRC, like the rest of us peons
[17:42] <BrooklynKnight> thats what they are using
[17:42] <RichRedman> Art, please don't advocate additional   
        illegal/immoral actions
[17:42] <ECagle> Unless it involves donkeys and midgets.
[17:42] <BrooklynKnight> i'm glad you added "additional" in there   
        Rich :-p
[17:43] <Garen> Eww
[17:43] <MatSmith> Or midget donkeys.
[17:43] *** RodneyThompson has joined #TGM
[17:43] <Browwiw> donkeys and midgets? OMG, that's how I smuggle   
        drugs across the border, too!
[17:43] <BrooklynKnight> how bout Donkeys and Ogres
[17:43] <effrenatus> AotA:LW has artifacts from Eric, Mat, Rich, and   
        me, among many others.
[17:43] <ECagle> GAH! RODNEY
[17:43] <effrenatus> Hello, RT.
[17:43] <RodneyThompson> Cagle....we meet again.
[17:43] <ECagle> thanks, marc..i was gonna ask if we could say who   
        was workin on it :)
[17:43] <MatSmith> Hey, Rodney.
[17:43] <RodneyThompson> hey Sparky, Mat
[17:44] <ECagle> I'll smack Rodney around at Origins....$10 a pop.   
        Anyone? Anyone?
[17:44] <effrenatus> There are a bunch of names I can't say because   
        I don't have contracts or confirmation yet, but the four of us   
        are in the clear :)
[17:44] <RodneyThompson> Why I oughta....nyuk nyuk nyuk
[17:44] <Garen> woowoowoowoowoo
[17:45] <ECagle> And for all you'se out there....having seen the   
        items in that book, there's some kick booty stuff.
[17:45] <BrooklynKnight> Eric: we can get some money together at   
        Gencon and have him thrown into the Klingon Jail...
[17:45] <ECagle> pre-editing/playtesting mind you.
[17:45] <RodneyThompson> Talking about Legendary Weapons?
[17:45] <ECagle> yesm
[17:45] <RodneyThompson> cool
[17:45] <ECagle> Arthur..even *I* am not that heartless.
[17:45] <MatSmith> Yeah. I can't wait to see all the stuff that's   
        in there--some really interesting Legends.
[17:46] <ECagle> And not just swords and staffs, kiddies...oh no...
[17:46] <BrooklynKnight> Eric: but its for charity!
[17:46] <effrenatus> I always like to see the artists put the weapons   
[17:46] <effrenatus> It's seldom what's in my mind, but always cool.
[17:46] <RodneyThompson> My imprisonment is not a philanthropic   
[17:46] <MatSmith> Ooh. I forgot about the pictures. I can't wait   
        for the pictures either.
[17:46] <Garen> Oooooooh.
[17:46] <Garen> Pretty pictures.
[17:47] <MatSmith> Mmmmmm. Pictures.
[17:47] <ECagle> so no one else read MM2? :(
[17:47] <effrenatus> BTW, Rodney's also given us a weapon.
[17:47] <MatSmith> I read a couple of the chapters.
[17:47] <MatSmith> =)
[17:47] <effrenatus> Of course, it's just a lightsaber. He's got a   
        one-track mind.
[17:47] <RichRedman> Yeah, our fans aren't really readers.
[17:47] <Garen> What are we, then?  Skimmers?
[17:47] <effrenatus> Flippers
[17:47] <ECagle> "used by the "Jeh-Die" 
[17:47] <RichRedman> Broke, like me?
[17:48] <BrooklynKnight> Eric: the Vong say Jeedie
[17:48] <Browwiw> listen, my house got hit by a tornado, again...I'll   
        read it when we get the roof all the way back on
[17:48] <ECagle> doh!
[17:48] <RichRedman> I rest my case.
[17:48] <effrenatus> (I actually haven't read Rodney's weapon :)
[17:48] <Garen> I really liked the Hougan illo.
[17:48] *** Adso has joined #TGM
[17:48] <ECagle> Again?! Who did you make mad?
[17:48] <effrenatus> Hello, Adso.
[17:48] <MatSmith> The roofing company
[17:48] <Browwiw> christ, and the siren just went off again
[17:48] <Adso> Howdy!
[17:48] <ECagle> That came out almost exactly as I   
        pictured it.
[17:48] <Garen> It reminded me of Charles Xavier vs. the Shadow King.
[17:49] <RichRedman> Hello, Adso
[17:49] <BrooklynKnight> Browwiw: better get all your books in the   
        basment and lock yourself in!
[17:49] <BrooklynKnight> in RPGA?
[17:49] <RichRedman> No kidding - don't chat with us, get in the shelter
[17:49] <Browwiw> dammit
[17:49] <Adso> Brooklyn> Ayep.
[17:49] <BrooklynKnight> heya
[17:49] <Browwiw> i'm only going to turn the computer off if i see   
[17:49] <ECagle> Now THAT'S dedication.
[17:49] * BrooklynKnight is running 2 games this saturday :-D
[17:49] <Browwiw> eh, it's usually a false alarm
[17:49] <BrooklynKnight> phht
[17:50] <BrooklynKnight> Its called a surge protector. I keep it on   
        inspite of lightning
[17:50] <Browwiw> we had a doosie two years ago, so the get siren   
        happy over hard rain
[17:50] <BrooklynKnight> I've only lost 2 monitors in the last 4   
[17:50] <BrooklynKnight> thats it.
[17:50] <Adso> Fantastic! I ran a session of Maure Castle this   
        weekend. It's a fun adventure.
[17:50] <BrooklynKnight> Do we have to order adventures from   
        Dragon in advance? or do we just report them?
[17:50] <BrooklynKnight> err
[17:50] <BrooklynKnight> Dungeon
[17:50] <RichRedman> Wow, Erik Mona would be happy to here that.
[17:50] <Adso> Order them in advance.
[17:51] <ECagle> Erik doesn't get happy, he gets even.
[17:51] <Browwiw> better go get my cell phone, though...
[17:51] <BrooklynKnight> 2 weeks, heh, i hope that changes soon -_-
[17:51] <Adso> Eric> He does (BTW this is SRM)
[17:51] <ECagle> AHHHHH
[17:51] <ECagle> INTERLOPER!
[17:51] <RichRedman> Hi, Stephen.
[17:51] <MatSmith> Hey, Stephen
[17:52] <Adso> Heya Rich...Hi Mat...Hi everyone.
[17:52] <ECagle> You still in Cubelandia then?
[17:52] <Adso> No. I'm home. 
[17:52] <Browwiw> well, no lightening, thunder, wind, or even rain
[17:52] <Browwiw> eh
[17:52] <ECagle> Locusts.
[17:52] <RichRedman> So Adso, there's a topic of conversation on our   
        boards related to RPGA support of modern d20. Would you care to   
        discuss that here, tonight, or not?
[17:52] <Browwiw> I'm getting a little sick of all the crappy weather
[17:52] <BrooklynKnight> 0o0o0
[17:52] <BrooklynKnight> Nice question.
[17:52] <effrenatus> 'Cause you don't have to talk about your work   
        if you don't want to :)
[17:52] <Adso> I am confortable with it if you are.
[17:52] <BrooklynKnight> Considering what happened at Winter   
[17:53] <RichRedman> Well, we've already announced Slave Drivers...
[17:53] <RichRedman> So go for it
[17:53] <Browwiw> can you tell us anything about Slave Drivers, Rich?
[17:54] <Adso> Well if things go well, and the stars align properly,   
        the Game Mechanics here are going to run a d20 Modern campaign for   
        the RPGA, which I am thrilled about.
[17:54] <BrooklynKnight> ....w000t!
[17:54] * RodneyThompson arches his fingers.
[17:54] <RodneyThompson> Excellent, Smithers.
[17:54] <Garen> Can we expand on the word "run"?
[17:54] * BrooklynKnight does the homer drool
[17:54] <Adso> It don't think it could be in better hands.
[17:54] <BrooklynKnight> Write, Manage?
[17:54] <Browwiw> neat, I might actually join the RPGA, then
[17:54] <RichRedman> Sure. Slave Drivers is a modern d20 adventure   
        about a company looking for ways to cut costs by employing the   
        undead. Their first experiment is with a taxi company, and an   
        accident reveals their plans to the heroes.
[17:54] <Browwiw> ah
[17:54] * BrooklynKnight blinks
[17:55] <Browwiw> ala, the question from last week
[17:55] <BrooklynKnight> i coulda sworn ive heard this before, or   
        read it...
[17:55] *** Gary has joined #TGM
[17:55] <BrooklynKnight> a
[17:55] <RodneyThompson> hence your question last week, eh Rich/
[17:55] <effrenatus> Hello, Gary.
[17:55] <Gary> Howdy all.
[17:55] <ECagle> I thought taxi drivers WERE all undead?....
[17:55] <RichRedman> It's based on an idea that I had back when we   
        were first designing campaign models for d20 Modern.
[17:55] <Adso> Basically supply the content for the campaign. They   
        design the adventures and the campaign rules.
[17:55] <BrooklynKnight> When will these adventures be available for   
        RPGA Sanctioned events?
[17:55] <RichRedman> And yes, Rodney, the playtesting did generate   
        the question I asked last week.
[17:55] <Browwiw> does TGM have any plans for doing products for   
        the d20 Future line?
[17:55] <BrooklynKnight> Will it be a Living Campaign?
[17:56] <RodneyThompson> Their cabs often smell like rotting flesh.
[17:56] <Adso> Brooklyn> Yes. 
[17:56] <RichRedman> Brow, that depends on how fast it becomes part   
        of the SRD
[17:56] <BrooklynKnight> So, like Green Regent, very good.
[17:56] <BrooklynKnight> When When When When.
[17:56] <Browwiw> ah, I see
[17:56] <Adso> Brookly> More on the campaign model, but still   
        "living" in that sense.
[17:56] * BrooklynKnight will have fun running THAT at winter fantasy :-p
[17:56] <Browwiw> well, you do it and I'll buy it. That seems to   
        be the general equation
[17:57] <RichRedman> Ideally, by the way, we're going to run these   
        next year at GenCon (which explains why JD has asked about modern   
        d20 GM experience) and this year at the quarterly gamecon in Bellevue.
[17:57] <ECagle> I saw the galleys for d20's veerrry pretty.
[17:57] <effrenatus> Just to be clear, d20 Future isn't necessarily   
        a line, it's a product for d20 Modern.
[17:57] * RichRedman goes AFK to feed the cats and let the dogs in
[17:57] <Browwiw> well, whatever
[17:57] <Browwiw> I still must have it!
[17:57] <effrenatus>   
[17:57] <Adso> Browwiw> Me too. The Game Mechanics keep on trying   
        to give me free product, but I insist on buying it. I love to   
        support the good work these guys do.
[17:58] <RodneyThompson> Eric: Reeeeeeeally? Lucky you. Us poor   
        authors must always wait.
[17:58] <ECagle> Rodney>only because I walked by Kim Mohan's   
        desk when he wasn't there ;)
[17:58] <effrenatus> I'm just trying to point out that it's a set of   
        resources for "modern" adventuring with futuristic elements. There   
        may be nothing there to "support."
[17:58] <MatSmith> I haven't seen the galleys, but the manuscript was   
        chock-full of futuristic goodness.
[17:58] <BrooklynKnight> Adso: Stan!'s adventure "Ghost in the Endzone"   
        is that gonna be available for sanctioned events soon? He wrote most   
        of it at Winter Fantasy, I playtested it, and ran it for 2 slots...  
        just wondering what happened to it.
[17:59] <effrenatus> Yeah. It's probably going to be a great resource,   
        but it's like asking if we'll support "Complete Warrior", sort of.
[17:59] <Browwiw> I just want to do an Aliens: Space Marines campaign   
        nd finally have it work right
[17:59] <Browwiw> heck, I'd settle for Xenomorph stats that made sense
[17:59] <Adso> Brooklyn> We are going to run it again at Gen Con.   
        After Gen Con it'll see release into the ordering system. It's a fun,   
        fun, fun, adventure.
[17:59] <RodneyThompson> Or, more accurately, like asking if you'll   
        support Urban Arcanaa
[18:00] <MatSmith> Like with Modern Magic I & II
[18:00] <BrooklynKnight> Asdo: yea i know. I was the russian gunslinger   
        chick :-p
[18:00] <RodneyThompson> (Again, apologies  on the typos, laptop   
        keyboard repeats letters)
[18:00] <BrooklynKnight> Tho i wont be gming 7 slots, ill have to   
        make time to GM that specific adventure at Gencon. 
[18:00] <ECagle> How many modern adventures total at GenCon
[18:01] <ECagle> that was meant to be a question..sorry.
[18:01] <BrooklynKnight> I prolly wont get points for it, but thats ok.
[18:01] <Browwiw> it's okay, this time, Rodney. Do it again next chat   
        and we make you run a realistic GURPS game
[18:01] <effrenatus> GURPS: Office Space.
[18:01] <Adso> Brooklyn> Fantastic. Make sure to get in touch with   
        August Hahn soon. I know he's already got most of Indy filled.
[18:01] <ECagle> Hey now...proud owner of 40 GURPS books here.
[18:01] <ECagle> Number of games run?: 0!
[18:01] <Browwiw> heh
[18:01] <Browwiw> they do have cool cover art, though
[18:02] <BrooklynKnight> Adso: i sent him an email from the RPGA site,   
        I originally planned to run 7 games. He .never. got back to me.   
        Nobody did.
[18:02] <BrooklynKnight> At Winter Fantasy, Stan and I were the only   
        two modern GM's...
[18:02] <ECagle> Marc...Benni says "hulloo."
[18:02] <RichRedman> back
[18:02] <effrenatus> Another AotA:LW author is lurking here. Gary,   
        who wrote some additional material for Thieves' Quarter, has also   
        submitted a weapon.
[18:02] <BrooklynKnight> so, i dont think it will be a problem :-p
[18:02] <RichRedman> Hi Benni
[18:02] <ECagle> She said nothin to you, Redman! 
[18:02] <effrenatus> Eric> Tell her I want to go bowling. :)
[18:03] <ECagle> mmmm bowling.
[18:03] <ECagle> GURPS Bowling.
[18:03] <RichRedman> Fine, then I won't hug her next time I see her
[18:03] <MatSmith> And he never touched cheese again.
[18:03] <RichRedman> Here we go again.
[18:03] <Adso> E-mail me about that. I'll see what's up. I don't want   
        to hijack this chat with RPGA stuff.
[18:03] <MatSmith> Poor Rich.
[18:03] <ECagle> Actually she said it was cool seein you the other   had been a LONG time.
[18:03] <ECagle> SRM: it's all good. 
[18:04] <ECagle> I know that people are hankering to hear about   
        Modern and RPGA.
[18:04] <Gary> Yes, that is me. A lurker.
[18:04] <effrenatus> So, since Stan!'s not here, I'll do a little   
        market research on our art:
[18:04] * RodneyThompson pushes Gary into the limelight.
[18:04] <RichRedman> Well, I know that ways to get more products   
        involved with the RPGA is a topic of discussion on our boards.
[18:04] <effrenatus> Which piece of art from Modern Magic (either   
        volume) is your favorite?
[18:04] <Gary> Hey, quit shovin'.
[18:05] <Browwiw> if there was a Modern RPGA game, I would definately   
        twist my friends' arms until they played it
[18:05] <ECagle> Arcane SpecOp is awesome.
[18:05] *** Roudi has joined #TGM
[18:05] <BrooklynKnight> hi Roudi
[18:05] <effrenatus> Welcome, Roudi
[18:05] <Roudi> 'lo.  WHat'd I miss?
[18:05] <BrooklynKnight> Everyone, welcome one of Brood d20's   
        development team, and friend of mine Roudi.
[18:06] <Roudi> Thanks, BK.
[18:06] <RodneyThompson> Marc: Easy one. Pete Schlough's Arcane   
        SpecOp, easily.
[18:06] <MatSmith> I like the Arcane SpecOp too. And the Pet   
        Rock-summoned Earth ElementalŠ
[18:06] <Garen> Arcane SpecOp from vol 1, Hougan from Vol 2.
[18:06] <BrooklynKnight> Roudi: you missed an announcement that TGM   
        will be running an RPGA d20modern campaign
[18:06] <effrenatus> They are good pieces. :)
[18:06] <Roudi> At GenCOn?
[18:06] <ECagle> And, as Garen said....I like how the Hougan turned out
[18:06] <BrooklynKnight> it will start there i think.
[18:06] <BrooklynKnight> but, in general
[18:06] <BrooklynKnight> similar to a living campaign
[18:06] <Adso> Rich> I am really excited about the init cards with   
        those finally hitting adventures. Keeping up has been the hard part   
        lately. My bosses keep putting extra work on my desk.
[18:06] <Roudi> I'm impressed.
[18:06] <ECagle> EVeryone who joins gets a free Glock.
[18:07] <Roudi> Also, congrats, gents, on the releave of Modern   
        Magic Volume 2
[18:07] <MatSmith> Cool
[18:07] <effrenatus> If you need some contract help, Adso, let me know :)
[18:07] <effrenatus> Thanks, Roudi.
[18:07] <BrooklynKnight> Init cards in official adventures? finally!
[18:07] <RichRedman> I think the credit for that goes to Marc, but   
[18:07] <Roudi> *release, ahem
[18:07] <effrenatus> Well, it was a relief to get it out.
[18:07] <BrooklynKnight> Adso: i need ya're email addy and what ya   
        want me to say
[18:07] <RichRedman> Thanks Roudi
[18:07] <ECagle> Have you read it yet Roudi?
[18:07] *** effrenatus sets mode: +o ECagle
[18:08] <Roudi> I've been intrigued by the living campign concept,   
        but they were enver in settings I wanted to play in, save Star Wars.
[18:08] *** ECagle has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped.)
[18:08] <effrenatus> Another question: How do you feel about the   
        power levels of the alternate magic rules in Modern Magic?
[18:08] <Roudi> Not yet, ECagle, I'm trying to keep myself focused   
        on NPC generation four our latest product.
[18:08] <effrenatus> I need to stop op-ing him.
[18:08] <Adso> I am always looking for good contractors. Right now   
        budgeting for them becomes the hard part. 
[18:08] <MatSmith> See what you did, Marc?
[18:08] *** ECagle has joined #TGM
[18:08] <Roudi> Heh.
[18:08] *** effrenatus sets mode: +o ECagle
[18:08] <ECagle> I MEANT to do that.....
[18:08] <RodneyThompson> He always vanishes when you do.
[18:08] <ECagle> yeah.
[18:08] <BrooklynKnight> adso: I work real cheep. give me a ring! :-D
[18:08] <Roudi> What you missed -->Not yet, ECagle, I'm trying to   
        keep myself focused on NPC generation four our latest product.
[18:08] * effrenatus waits for Cagle to drop again now that he's been op'd.
[18:08] <Adso> you can email me at srm (at)
[18:09] <BrooklynKnight> srm or what srm stands for?
[18:09] <Adso> Stephen Radney-MacFarland
[18:09] <ECagle> Super Radney Man.
[18:09] <BrooklynKnight> so, the latter
[18:09] <Adso> LOL. Only my wife calls me that ;)
[18:09] <BrooklynKnight> no space, or underscore?
[18:09] <RodneyThompson> Rich, Eric, Mat> I dunno who is   
        responsible, but kudos on the mundane magic chapter.
[18:09] <Roudi> My spelling is atrocious today... I hope it's not   
        bleedingi nto my work...
[18:10] <ECagle> Ritual magic, ya mean?
[18:10] <RodneyThompson> Verra verra nice.
[18:10] <Adso> no space, no underscore.
[18:10] <RichRedman> That was mostly me, so thanks.
[18:10] <RodneyThompson> Ritual magic, talismans, etc.
[18:10] <ECagle> ohhhhh! yeah
[18:10] <RodneyThompson> It was a nice change from D&D In The City   
[18:10] <ECagle> Every game, I want a lucky rabbits foot.
[18:11] <effrenatus> Yeah. It's definitely an aspect of modern   
        superstition that wasn't modeled in d20 Modern.
[18:11] <RichRedman> And now you know what it does
[18:11] <ECagle> or, a whole rabbit.
[18:11] <MatSmith> Every game, I want a d20 that doesn't roll for crap.
[18:11] <Roudi> Good luck then, Mat.  Let me know when you find one.
[18:11] <RichRedman> WIth that gun that Bishop carries, why do you care?
[18:11] <effrenatus> I think it's you, Mat. You curse dice you touch.
[18:11] <ECagle> I plan on running a low-magic game, using Mat's side   
        effects stuff....
[18:11] <Browwiw> yes, the sections on charms was terrific. I was   
        actually flipping through my alchemy and magic textbooks while   
        looking at those
[18:11] <Adso> Mat> Chessex makes cheater 1's ;)
[18:12] <Gary> I have some of those.
[18:12] <MatSmith> It's true. Hey, Rich, with as much damage as   
        Bishop's gun does, are you saying that I don't actually have to   
        *Hit* with it?
[18:12] <effrenatus> We're going to be publishing a freebie from   
        Mat soon, too. More modern magic stuff.
[18:12] <Adso> Of course they are not legal in RPGA-sanctioned   
        sessions ;)
[18:12] <ECagle> Marc> good thing someone we know isn't playing   
        in our Wednesday game...he'd have a set of those ;)
[18:12] <Browwiw> ok, I gotta know: Bishop's gun?
[18:13] <Roudi> Yeah, ditto.
[18:13] <effrenatus> :)
[18:13] * RodneyThompson is lost amidst Seattle gamer babble.
[18:13] *** JDWiker has joined #TGM
[18:13] <RichRedman> Actually, since you let me write the campaign   
        rules and I get to say what books are allowed, then I can make   
        legal in RPGA-sanctioned sessions. So nya.
[18:13] <effrenatus> JD!
[18:13] <Gary> Yes, but is it the *real* JD?
[18:13] <RodneyThompson> Ah, el presidente magnifico finally decides   
        to join us.
[18:13] <effrenatus> Rodney, I'd suggest you move out here so you   
        can get it, but the job market sucks.
[18:13] <ECagle> Mister....Wiker...
[18:13] <Roudi> Would the real JD please stand up?
[18:13] <Adso> Rich> Ah...well...ah, we'll have to talk about   
        that. ;)
[18:13] <RichRedman> He's next to the real Slim Shady
[18:14] <RodneyThompson> Marc: It's looking good that I will next May.
[18:14] <MatSmith> Bishop's Gun: +1 Flaming, Frost, Acid, Lightning   
        Glock 17 of Distance and Speed. 
[18:14] <Garen> Neither of whom are here.
[18:14] <Adso> Heya JD.
[18:14] <ECagle> mmmmm cooked pig.
[18:14] <Roudi> ...!
[18:14] *** Zouron has joined #TGM
[18:14] <effrenatus> Rodney> Just don't take a job that I could   
        work. :)
[18:14] <ECagle> (sorry, dinner just arrived)
[18:14] <Browwiw> holy crap...what minor god did he have to slay to   
        get that?
[18:14] <Browwiw> howdy, JD
[18:14] <effrenatus> Welcome, Z. No Stan! tonight.
[18:14] <Roudi> That's not a glock... that's a WHABAMSHILOCK!
[18:14] <RichRedman> Thus the need for rules on magic item creation.
[18:14] <Zouron> hey eff no problem I gave him enough heat last   
        week hehe
[18:14] <Garen> I'm daft.  Hey, JD.
[18:15] <Adso> Effrenatus> Marc?
[18:15] <RodneyThompson> Unless you want to work at Electronics Boutique
[18:15] <RichRedman> Hey Z!
[18:15] <Zouron> Hey Rich!
[18:15] <Roudi> Heh... my boss, Ralts, crashed an NPC generator   
        program trying to apply magical properties to modern weapons.
[18:15] <effrenatus> Adso> Did I miss a question?
[18:15] <MatSmith> I started comissioning a magic gun and discovered   
        that once you're rolling 1d6 for a Wealth scroe loss, you might as   
        well go all the way with a 2d6 roll and a +10 equivalent weapon.
[18:15] <Browwiw> A friend of mine used to work at EB...he now works   
        at Triple A
[18:15] <Adso> No, I was just confirming who you were. Now things are   
        much clearer...No work for you! ;)
[18:15] <MatSmith> I rolled a 3.
[18:16] <Roudi> Damn.
[18:16] <ECagle> You suck. :)
[18:16] <effrenatus> Oh, my name was reset!
[18:16] *** effrenatus is now known as effrenatus[TGM_Marc]
[18:16] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> How long has that been wrong?
[18:16] <RodneyThompson> All night.
[18:16] <Roudi> Since I joined, at least...
[18:16] <Gary> Forever and a day.
[18:16] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Since I got booted earlier, I'd guess.
[18:16] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Sorry.
[18:16] <Garen> Forever and ever!
[18:16] <RichRedman> Amen
[18:16] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Luckily, I can edit the logs :)
[18:16] *** Napftor has joined #TGM
[18:16] <ECagle> It should say "Commodore"
[18:16] <MatSmith> Hey! It cost me *5* Wealth total. 
[18:17] <RichRedman> Hello, Napftor
[18:17] <Napftor> greetings
[18:17] <Zouron> eff> sure you are sorry :-) but does it change   
        anything no, you will forget next time as well :-)
[18:17] <Browwiw> howdy, Nap
[18:17] <Roudi> Now, Mat, the question is... what happens when you   
        run out of bullets?
[18:17] * Napftor nods to Browwiw
[18:17] <MatSmith> You clean up the bodies.
[18:17] <Roudi> Nice answer :)
[18:17] <RichRedman> And accurate
[18:17] <MatSmith> =)
[18:17] <BrooklynKnight> Adso: email sent. 
[18:18] <Browwiw> freakin' siren again...nothing's happened since   
        the first one
[18:18] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> So, we were intermittently talking   
        about Modern Magic :)
[18:18] <Browwiw> this better be an air strike
[18:18] <ECagle> hehehe
[18:18] <Garen> Kinda sorta. :P
[18:18] <Zouron> eff> better then MM1 :-)
[18:18] <Browwiw> skies aren't even yellow
[18:18] <Roudi> And Bishop's gun.  Which, contrary to my prior   
        impression, is not innuendo
[18:18] <MatSmith> Bishop uses his Double Tap feat (to get 7d6 per   
        attack), so he usually ends up reloading once per firefight.
[18:18] <RichRedman> We also talked about Modern adventures, so let   
        me ask this: Are modern adventures harder to write than fantasy?
[18:18] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Another question for the masses: What   
        modern magic belief system can be tastefully covered, but has not   
[18:18] <Adso> Brooklyn>Great. I am at home now, but I will take   
        care of it first thing in the morning.
[18:18] <Roudi> Rich, most definitely no.
[18:18] <BrooklynKnight> wait Rich: Since TGM is running/managing the   
        d20modern rpga games...will MPC and MM be allowed?
[18:18] <RodneyThompson> Rhetorical question, or conversation-starter,   
[18:18] <RodneyThompson> ?
[18:19] <RichRedman> Unless SRM talks me out of it.
[18:19] <BrooklynKnight> Adso: No rush, its apparently too late anyway.   
        I cant run 7 sessions anymore :-p
[18:19] <BrooklynKnight> Rich and MAM too?
[18:19] *** effrenatus[TGM_Marc] sets mode: +o JDWiker
[18:19] <Roudi> Modern adventures, I find, are easier to craft because,   
        unlike a fantasy universe, most of the basic precepts are   
        second-nature to the players.
[18:19] <Browwiw> well, I was supposed to right one as a freebie for   
        you guys...but my house keeps getting hit bny goddam tornadoes
[18:19] <Adso> I try not to talk anybody out of anything. It keeps   
        me somewhat sane.
[18:19] <RichRedman> No, I meant that as a conversation starter.   
        Several people on the WotC boards have complained that modern   
        adventures are harder to write, and are using that to argue that   
        more non-FX adventures need to be written.
[18:19] <BrooklynKnight> wait...
[18:19] <BrooklynKnight> modern adventures are HARD?!
[18:20] <BrooklynKnight> to write?!
[18:20] <BrooklynKnight> WHA?!
[18:20] <BrooklynKnight> Just look outside your window or in any   
        newspaper for inspiration.
[18:20] <Roudi> Well... writing no-FX adventures that are   
        INTERESTING can get difficult.
[18:20] <Garen> Art really likes his Enter key.
[18:20] <Roudi> I mean, FX is a cheap and easy way to create a   
        mysterious element,
[18:20] <Zouron> Rich> to a certain degree, to me as an experienced   
        fantasy dm I am not use to putting it in modern terms and making it   
        seem real, which means I often have problem coming up with   
        interesting adventures for mdoern characters. But it is simply   
        something you have to get use to.
[18:20] <BrooklynKnight> I do my best NOT to use FX.
[18:20] <RodneyThompson> I think they .4can.1 be harder to write.   
        Since everyone is so familiar with the real world, mistakes are more   
        obvious and so you must be more meticulous and logical while designing.
[18:21] <RichRedman> I think they're trying to write adventures in   
        genres with which they're not familiar, like military or espionage,   
        and that makes them harder.
[18:21] <BrooklynKnight> The only supernatural thing in my game I   
        had... was undead.
[18:21] <BrooklynKnight> And.......the portals to forgotten realms
[18:21] <BrooklynKnight> but that was science.
[18:21] <Roudi> Trying to write non-FX, without going into the kinds   
        of things the players already have seen or done in their own lives,   
        can be presing.
[18:21] <ECagle> I saw a great thing in the news that other day for   
        an adventure. A blackhawk helicopter went BOOP and disappeared   
        during a routine flight over North Carolina.
[18:21] <Browwiw> just watch a lot of X-Files, Sopranos, the Shield,   
        CSI, and the like...something will fall out of your head for   
        game night
[18:21] <RichRedman> A crashhawk crashed? That's not surprising.
[18:21] <MatSmith> The BOOP part is under investigation.
[18:21] <ECagle> no..not crashed. Disappeared.
[18:21] <BrooklynKnight> with crew?
[18:21] <ECagle> yup.
[18:22] <BrooklynKnight> still missing?
[18:22] <RichRedman> When it disappears off radar, that means it   
[18:22] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Sci-Fi Tech and Magic are both just   
        FX, BK :)
[18:22] <ECagle> Hey, now it's MY adventure idea...let me live my   
        little lie ;)
[18:22] <Roudi> Indeed!
[18:22] <RodneyThompson> Well, are we confusing the difference   
        between coming up with adventure hooks and writing full adventures?   
        I think so...
[18:22] <RichRedman> Brow, I agree those are good sources
[18:22] <BrooklynKnight> Bah, technology is not fx :-p
[18:22] <Roudi> Perhaps, Rodney... which were you thinking?
[18:22] <RichRedman> Good point Rodney
[18:22] <BrooklynKnight> Though, the halflings really thought   
        lighters were funny.
[18:22] <RodneyThompson> I disagree, Brooklyn.
[18:22] <Zouron> Rich> Yes that is the problem writing adventures   
        to a setting they are not experienced with, it is a different mind   
        set and thus the problem.
[18:23] <RodneyThompson> I was thinking full adventures.
[18:23] <Adso> I find them harder because you can't limit the reality   
        like you can in a fantasy and science fiction. The modern world is   
        one of possibilities...and possibilities we know really well. 
[18:23] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> I'd quote the "sufficiently advanced   
        technology" line, but I'd get it wrong.
[18:23] <BrooklynKnight> Bah
[18:23] <Adso> Magic and far flung technology can be really convenient   
        excuses in those genres. Modern.2026unless you have magic in your   
        modern makes the writers work a little harder.  
[18:23] <Roudi> AH, well... honestly I have less experience there than   
        I do with hooks.  But let's go there, then...
[18:23] <BrooklynKnight> Whenever my players did something that i   
        needed to limit
[18:23] <BrooklynKnight> I had Samuel L Jackson fly in on a helicopter
[18:23] <RichRedman> Marc, can you see why I want the transcript from   
        last week and this one?
[18:23] <BrooklynKnight> and yell at them.
[18:23] <Napftor> Would Samuel L be your Elminster, then, BK?
[18:24] <Browwiw> aliright, tornado between Nebo and Dixon...12 miles   
[18:24] <BrooklynKnight> Sorta...
[18:24] <RodneyThompson> One of the brilliant aspects of d20 Modern   
        is that FX can be magic, psi, tech, or whatever.
[18:24] <Browwiw> gotta close windows..see ya, folks
[18:24] <MatSmith> So, do most people prefer their Modern adventures   
        with or without FX?
[18:24] *** Browwiw has quit IRC
[18:24] <RodneyThompson> It means flexibility which is essential.
[18:24] <RichRedman> Be safe Brow
[18:24] <BrooklynKnight> He was a Mix of the guy from Pulp Fiction,   
        Mace Windu, and the guy from XXX
[18:24] <RichRedman> Good question, Mat
[18:24] <MatSmith> (Like Mounds vs Almond Joy)
[18:24] <Roudi> Mat, I prefer the "possibility" of FX.  A mystery that   
        may or may not be supernatural.
[18:24] <Gary> Mat > Depends on the FX.
[18:24] <Garen> BK, just use his character from Basic.
[18:24] <Zouron> Mat> I prefere without, adding FX is easier then   
[18:24] <BrooklynKnight> honestly, I could go either way. But i want   
        it to be a clear thing from the start
[18:25] <BrooklynKnight> latly i've wanted non fx
[18:25] <Roudi> It's the kind of thing that always hooked one into   
        the early X-Files episodes.  Was it supernatural?  Was it aliens?    
        Was it a monster?  Was it something beyond?
[18:25] <BrooklynKnight> I want to play in a true blue modern world :-p
[18:25] <Roudi> Or was it just swampo gas and a weather balloon?
[18:25] <RichRedman> There's definitely a school of player/GM that   
        dislikes "D&D in the modern world," and they tend to see ANY FX as   
        being that.
[18:25] <Roudi> Well, some players/GMs treat FX just like that...
[18:25] <BrooklynKnight> I would like to play in one really good non   
        fx game before i play one that has it
[18:26] <ECagle> Getting back on topic, that's part of the reason why   
        we came up with the lesser incantations/ritual magic rules in MM1.
[18:26] <BrooklynKnight> And If I do play an FX game, i prefer psionics,   
        not magic.
[18:26] <RodneyThompson> Rich: to be fair, publishers are sometimes   
        guilty of perpetuating that belief.
[18:26] *** JRRNeiklot has joined #TGM
[18:26] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Hello.
[18:26] <BrooklynKnight> And in fantasy games, i prefer magic over   
[18:26] <ECagle> Adding magic to a game without "Fireball-round 1,   
        Lightning Bolt--Round 2."
[18:26] <Roudi> That was one of the things I liked about Mage: The   
        Ascension from White Wolf.  A D&D wizard would never survive in   
        the Mage world, casting spells as easily as breathing.  THe Paradox   
        would have lsaughtered him.
[18:26] <RichRedman> For the record, one of our design guidelines for   
        our modern adventures is to make them as completely playable   
        without FX as with.
[18:26] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Psionics is just Magic with a   
        different coat of paint :)
[18:26] <MatSmith> Hmm. So most of you guys are more into a realistic   
        modern adventure that *may* get a little weird, but preferably in a   
        way that could be explained on the Discovery Channel or in Popular   
[18:27] <Zouron> Rich> well I run Urban Arcana which is defiantely   
        a bit D&D in modern world, and I still want to see FX-less   
        adventures, mostly because FX-les teaches me better how to think in   
        the modern adventure genre then FX... for me FX tend to distract me
[18:27] <BrooklynKnight> Not to me.
[18:27] <Garen> And maybe diesel fuel...
[18:27] <Roudi> eff... some of us are trying to shake that image :)
[18:27] <BrooklynKnight> to me psioincs is the next step in evolution.
[18:27] <BrooklynKnight> Its not magic.
[18:27] <Adso> Marc> Yeah but the color happens to be Mauve ;)
[18:27] <BrooklynKnight> Psioincs is science.
[18:27] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Mutant powers are just FX. It's all   
        just FX! :)
[18:27] <RodneyThompson> I wouldn't mind FX if suggestions were made   
        on how to explain the FX in adventures/products without the   
        supernatural were given.
[18:27] <Roudi> BK, not the XPH it isn't.  It's treated so much like   
        magic now, it's almost disgusting.
[18:28] <RichRedman> For newcomers (and lurkers), this discussion   
        started when I asked: Are modern adventures harder to write than   
        fantasy? Feel free to chime in.
[18:28] <ECagle> Roudi....but how ELSE would it be done?!
[18:28] <RodneyThompson> Mat: Yes to your last statement.
[18:28] <BrooklynKnight> Roudi: For D&D It should be.
[18:28] <Roudi> I actually was working on an alternate system based   
        mainly on reported psychic phenomenon.
[18:28] <RodneyThompson> Though Dark*Matter is yummy.
[18:28] <Roudi> It was for a modern setting
[18:28] <BrooklynKnight> as a DM i dont want psionics in my fantasy   
[18:28] <MatSmith> I definitely think that good modern adventures   
        sans-FX would be harder to write.
[18:28] <Roudi> It's kind of on the backburner, like many porjects   
[18:29] <ECagle> More Martial Arts :)
[18:29] <BrooklynKnight> as a DM of a modern game. If my players   
        want FX, i'll give them psi, not mag
[18:29] <RichRedman> I smell a column coming on...
[18:29] <Roudi> I do agree, Mat... but they can also be damn fun   
        that way.
[18:29] <RodneyThompson> or just more ninjas, Eric
[18:29] <Garen> No, modern adventures are not harder to write than   
[18:29] <BrooklynKnight> Mat: thats because magic is the easy way out.
[18:29] <ECagle> Rich...I'm converting Turnbuckle Jones for your   
        modern game :)
[18:29] <MatSmith> And before this discussion was the chat topic of   
        Modern Magic Vol. II
[18:29] <Roudi> Heh
[18:29] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> OK, name a great recent film set in   
        the contemporary that contains no FX. I'm sure there are plenty.
[18:29] <Roudi> See what it's caused?
[18:29] <BrooklynKnight> Its harder to find a mundane explination,   
        or scientific one, then it is to simply say "it was magic" or   
        "it was god"
[18:29] <Garen> I do, however, think that people find it easier to   
        fall back on the cliché when it comes to Modern games.
[18:30] <BrooklynKnight> Van Helsing :-p
[18:30] <BrooklynKnight> No FX there :-;
[18:30] <BrooklynKnight> heheh
[18:30] <ECagle> I have an adventure idea that will be COMPLETELY   
        FX free...maybe for Winter Fantasy (Adso?)
[18:30] <RodneyThompson> Ugh
[18:30] * Roudi snorts
[18:30] <BrooklynKnight> just science and religion *cough*
[18:30] <MatSmith> Definitely. Magic allows you to do a lot of things   
        that would take a phenomenally complicated and unlikely amount of   
        effort to otherwise explain.
[18:30] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> (BTW, I probably will not have seen it.   
        Haven't been to many films lately)
[18:30] <Roudi> d20 Adventures... now FX free!
[18:30] <Zouron> Brook> harder to find scientific explanations is   
        for me at least, due to the fact I am not use to making up science   
        babble, maybe I haven't watched enough star trek or something heh.
[18:31] <BrooklynKnight> Z: just watch a few epsiodes of startrek
[18:31] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Right. In Star Trek, all particles   
        are just FX. :)
[18:31] <Roudi> LOL
[18:31] <BrooklynKnight> lol
[18:31] <BrooklynKnight> hehe
[18:31] <Roudi> ALL FRIGGEN PARTICLES... even subatomic...
[18:31] <RodneyThompson> Tachyon emitters, ho!
[18:31] <Adso> Eric> I would love to talk about that. Sounds   
[18:31] <BrooklynKnight> I have the perfet song for this
[18:31] <Napftor> So, being the newbie to Modern that I am, how many   
        GMs use FX in their games...the majority?
[18:31] <BrooklynKnight> .bounce the electron of the deflector dish
[18:31] <RichRedman> I do
[18:31] <BrooklynKnight> Voltair - USS Make Shit Up
[18:31] <BrooklynKnight> :-p
[18:31] <Zouron> Brook> I watch star trek every now and then, but   
        not very regularly, therefore I forget how they make up science   
[18:31] <ECagle> Rich replaces "FX" with "Nazis"
[18:31] <Garen> Unfortunately, in Modern games, you have three main   
        genres when avoiding FX: military, espionage, and Batman.
[18:31] <MatSmith> I would, if I had a chance to get my campaign off   
        the ground.
[18:32] <RodneyThompson> We use no FX in our d20 Future game.....but   
        that's unfair to the discussion
[18:32] <Roudi> Garen, add "gritty" to that list./
[18:32] <Zouron> Nap> I use FX, currently hwoever it has been   
        more as plot device.
[18:32] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> post apoc, Rodney?
[18:32] <Garen> I already said Batman.
[18:32] <MatSmith> Cagle> That's Undead Nazis from Outer Space
[18:32] <RodneyThompson> Space Western, Marc.
[18:32] <RichRedman> How would you know Eric? You haven't played in   
        my campaign. And Smith is exaggerating...agin
[18:32] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> How can you be in space with no FX? :)
[18:32] <ECagle> I've heard...rumors.
[18:32] <BrooklynKnight> Technology should not be FX.
[18:32] <MatSmith> True. Sometimes they're Undead Nazis from *Inner*   
[18:32] <BrooklynKnight> thats my opinion.
[18:32] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> But it is :)
[18:32] <RichRedman> I disagree, Garen. You certainly left our crime   
        and mystery.
[18:33] <RodneyThompson> Eh, when FX becomes normal tech...
[18:33] <BrooklynKnight> Is it?
[18:33] <Roudi> BK... ADVANCED tech can be FX... laser weapons,   
        nanotech, cyberware, etc.
[18:33] <BrooklynKnight> Eric: Is technology FX in d20future?
[18:33] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Speculative tech is FX, IMO :)
[18:33] <Garen> Fair enough, Rich.
[18:33] <Roudi> Precisely, eff
[18:33] <BrooklynKnight> can i ask that even?
[18:33] <ECagle> Err...
[18:33] <BrooklynKnight> "can be"
[18:33] <ECagle> I didn't write it
[18:33] <MatSmith> Das Uber Toten Mole Men
[18:33] <BrooklynKnight> not "is"
[18:33] <RodneyThompson> FX is stuff above and beyond contemporary   
        explanation. in a future setting, technology is normal.
[18:33] <BrooklynKnight> I dont think it should be
[18:33] <BrooklynKnight> but of course
[18:33] <BrooklynKnight> i'm not writing the book.
[18:33] <ECagle> But from what I read, it depends on how you use it.
[18:33] <BrooklynKnight> Look at Jake 2.0
[18:33] <Garen> But it really seems like adventures are usually   
        "shoot it," "sneak past it," or "figure out its secrets."
[18:33] <Napftor> Depends on the campaign you're running?
[18:33] <BrooklynKnight> thats not FX, thats nanotech, but its   
[18:34] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> I don't know what's in d20 Future.   
        I'm telling you how I see things.
[18:34] <Roudi> Garen, how about investigating?
[18:34] <BrooklynKnight> Marc: we can disagree :-p
[18:34] <RichRedman> Garen, that pretty much sums up every RPG ever.
[18:34] <ECagle> Yeah the "run away from it" games really suck.
[18:34] <Roudi> Making deliveries?  Dealing with family?  Random   
[18:34] <Garen> Then there's "figure out A's secrets so you can   
        sneak past B and shoot C."
[18:34] <BrooklynKnight> D20modern: Vice City!
[18:34] <Garen> Yes, Rich, it is.
[18:34] <BrooklynKnight> i mean
[18:34] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> There is no difference between a   
        fireball spell, a psionic fireball power, and a futuristic   
        implant which allows someone to generate a fireball.
[18:34] <BrooklynKnight> D20Retro: Vice City
[18:34] <BrooklynKnight> :-p
[18:34] <RodneyThompson> I came up with a  list that distilled all   
        adventures down to one-sentence axioms...let me dig it up
[18:35] <MatSmith> I think I may be spilling a little of what's   
        inside d20 Future in the July edition of my In the Works article at  
[18:35] <ECagle> You keep your axioms on your side of the Continental   
        Divide, Mister. :)
[18:35] <BrooklynKnight> Eff: Generating a fireball would no longer   
        be "tech"
[18:35] <Garen> Remember, I think that Modern adventures should be   
        just as easy as Fantasy.
[18:35] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Why not? You can't generate heat with   
[18:35] <RodneyThompson> Mat: When does that go online/
[18:35] <BrooklynKnight> spitting gas that mixes with o2 and lights   
        aflame is not tech
[18:35] <BrooklynKnight> Sure. 
[18:35] <BrooklynKnight> But the way you said it..
[18:35] <Roudi> Explosive heat, for that matter...
[18:35] <BrooklynKnight> sounds like they plug something in their   
        brain, and just create it from thin air.
[18:35] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Zero point energy. Speculative tech.
[18:36] <MatSmith> Rodney> I think my articles go up the second   
        Sunday in the month.
[18:36] *** JRRNeiklot has quit IRC
[18:36] <BrooklynKnight> At that point the line blurs
[18:36] <RodneyThompson> Curses...too long.
[18:36] <ECagle> well a spell that deals 3d6 points of fire damage   
        and a gun that does the same....what's the difference?
[18:36] * effrenatus[TGM_Marc] is on some weird crusade to define FX for   
        the entire industry.
[18:36] <RichRedman> Man, I had a whole list of discussion topics,   
        and look at this.
[18:36] <RichRedman> Rodney, could you mail that list to me?
[18:36] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Am I messing up your Tuesday, Rich? :)
[18:36] <Zouron> eff> that can be said about a lot of things,   
        usually fx usually have indefiante use or limited charges that   
        cannot be regenerated, normal items such as weapon have ammo that   
        can be changed. The ammo is known and priced... usually that is the   
        difference.. so the psionics and the fireball come in the two first,   
        will the fireball generator, which a plasma cell charging it ends   
        in the last (or it might just be a LAW rocket)
[18:36] <MatSmith> Chees: Scary or Not?
[18:36] <BrooklynKnight> I'm sorry Rich... we'll be quiet and let   
        you get to your list.
[18:36] <RodneyThompson> Yeah, I'm searching   for it.
[18:36] <RichRedman> Heck no! This is exactly the kind of thing I want!
[18:37] <Napftor> chaos?
[18:37] <MatSmith> *Cheese
[18:37] <RichRedman> We'd have that whether I had a list or not
[18:37] <BrooklynKnight> I like cheeze
[18:37] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> There is no difference between a wand   
        of lightning bolts and a throw-away lightning gun.
[18:37] <ECagle> Except for the recycling fee :)
[18:37] <BrooklynKnight> oh, by the way. I have an update on that   
        dinner, if you're intrested. I dont wanna bother you with it   
        every week :-p
[18:37] *** Browwiw has joined #TGM
[18:38] <ECagle> Mat...are you going to Gencon?
[18:38] <Browwiw> I'm getting a little upset with these false alarms
[18:38] <MatSmith> And the 5¢ deposit in Michigan and Wyoming.
[18:38] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Glad you're safe, B.
[18:38] *** jezter6 has joined #TGM
[18:38] <RichRedman> What Marc said, Brow
[18:38] <Browwiw> oh well, McClean County and Sacramento are gonna   
        get it
[18:38] <Browwiw> thanks
[18:38] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> What state are you in, B?
[18:38] <MatSmith> Cagle> I'm planning on going to GenCon whether   
        I wrangle a WotC pass or not. Yes.
[18:38] <Browwiw> Kentucky
[18:38] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> I have family in Indianapolis, and I   
        know it's been harsh there.
[18:38] *** ECagle has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped.)
[18:39] <Browwiw> this will be the second twister in three days, if   
        it happens
[18:39] *** ECagle has joined #TGM
[18:39] <Browwiw> as it is, I think it will be just a bad storm
[18:39] <ECagle> You all anger me. I leave. I come back, for I am   
[18:39] <Zouron> eff> no there isn't but usually guns are not   
        throw away.
[18:39] <Garen> [21:39] <MatSmith> Cagle> I'm planning on   
        going to GenCon whether I wrangle a WotC pass or not. Yes.
[18:39] * effrenatus[TGM_Marc] dispells the blink spell someone cast on   
[18:39] <Browwiw> but, McClean County is gonna get pounded
[18:39] <ECagle> Cool.
[18:39] <Gary> Hey, Eric, stay a while.
[18:39] * RodneyThompson goes to hunt adventure axiom list.
[18:39] <BrooklynKnight> Mat: will you be going to the Ennies   
        award ceremony?
[18:39] *** RodneyThompson is now known as Rodney[Away]
[18:39] <Browwiw> I've got my boots on, and my flashlight with me,   
[18:39] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Heck, Mat might be getting an award! :)
[18:40] <ECagle> "hunting adventure axiom list" means "Get pants"
[18:40] <MatSmith> Brooklyn> I have no idea. Should I be?
[18:40] <MatSmith> Huh?
[18:40] <Browwiw> oh, dear sweet maglite, you're my torch and 1d6   
        club, all in one lovely package
[18:40] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> The Modern Magic PDFs are eligible   
        for ENnie consideration.
[18:40] <BrooklynKnight> did you submit them yet?
[18:40] <ECagle> oooh. I want an Ennie.
[18:40] <MatSmith> Neat-o. 
[18:40] <ECagle> So I can test it's durability ;)
[18:40] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Deadline is the 10th.
[18:40] <MatSmith> Me too.
[18:41] <BrooklynKnight> Eric: Wizards of the Coast is eligible...  
        You can submit any of the d20modern print products
[18:41] <MatSmith> Cagle> We can text it againt the Fist of   
[18:41] <BrooklynKnight> WOTC simply has to give 6 free copies   
        to the judges
[18:41] <Browwiw> if it turns out Eric lip-synced his PDFs, will he  
        have to give his Ennie back?
[18:41] <Zouron> eff> thieves quarter should defiantely get an   
        ENnie if it were up to me :-)
[18:41] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Thanks, Z
[18:41] <MatSmith> Thieves Quarter--yes.
[18:41] <Adso> I am guessing the fist will win. That's a pretty   
        sturdy die.
[18:41] <ECagle> I blame Milly...or is that Vanilly?
[18:41] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> We're nominating it for setting awards.
[18:41] <BrooklynKnight>
[18:42] <Roudi> LOL... Eric, the Milli Vanilli of d20.
[18:42] <ECagle> gah.
[18:42] <BrooklynKnight> Entries must be submitted before June 10th,   
[18:42] *** Rodney[Away] has quit IRC (Quit: Rodney "Moridin" Thompson -   
        Author, and SWRPGNetwork Webmaster (
[18:42] <Browwiw> I have my weather radio on, and the national weather   
        service uses this creepy computer-generated voice to give weather   
[18:42] <RichRedman> Ha! Cagle, I am SO spreading that around work
[18:42] <BrooklynKnight> Eric: If you can get your hands on 6 copies   
        of whatever you've worked on, and submit it before the 10th...
[18:42] <Browwiw> it's so creepy I just want to use it in an adventure   
        some how
[18:42] <MatSmith> Browwiw> Are you sure it's not just a creepy   
[18:42] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> That big die is neat, Mat. :)
[18:42] <Napftor> use it as un undead creature's voice, browwiw
[18:43] <Browwiw> heh
[18:43] *** RodneyThompson has joined #TGM
[18:43] <ECagle> Well, Wizards sends the stuff they own and TGM is   
        submitting the other. So, I'm covered.
[18:43] <MatSmith> Thanks, Marc. It turned out nice. =)
[18:43] <RodneyThompson> Much better,
[18:43] <BrooklynKnight> RodneyThompson: welcome back.
[18:43] <RodneyThompson> Thanks, changed computers.
[18:43] <BrooklynKnight> ECagle: I dont think WOTC Submitted Anything   
        last year. Are you sure they submitted it. The Ennies are much   
        younger compared to Origins..
[18:43] <ECagle> Adso> we need to build a trebuchet and see how   
        much damage the Fist of Emirikol can inflict.
[18:43] <Browwiw> I'm serious, though. The weather just gets worse   
        every year
[18:44] <ECagle> Brooklyn> I have no idea.
[18:44] <RodneyThompson> Talking about ENnie submissions?
[18:44] <RichRedman> Brow, that was a key point of GeneTech
[18:44] <Adso> Cagle> Now that sounds like fun!
[18:44] <Browwiw> yeah, i have that Poly edition
[18:44] <MatSmith> Yeah. Once the 1/day magic effect is used, the   
        Fist can still bean someone on the noggin.
[18:44] *** HellHound has joined #TGM
[18:44] <Browwiw> that's a good setting, by the way
[18:44] <RichRedman> HellHound!
[18:44] <RodneyThompson> I wanted to submit the Hero's Guide, but I   
        only have 3 extra authors' copies.
[18:44] <ECagle> Is Wiker alive?
[18:44] <Browwiw> if I wasn't so lazy, i'd work up Ice-Age mammal   
[18:44] * Garen howls.
[18:44] <HellHound> okay Art, I lied... here I am.
[18:44] <HellHound> :)
[18:45] <MatSmith> JD is undead for tax reasons.
[18:45] * HellHound is supposed to be finishing off a book right now.
[18:45] <RodneyThompson> Eric: Undead.
[18:45] <RichRedman> Ha!
[18:45] <RodneyThompson> Damn! Too slow.
[18:45] <BrooklynKnight> RodneyThompson: Ask WOTC to submit them, You   
        have about a week left. 
[18:45] <MatSmith> Heh.
[18:45] <ECagle> "Brrraaaains.."
[18:45] <Adso> Well everyone, my wife's yapping at me. I gotta go.   
        Take care.
[18:45] <JDWiker> I'm IMing.
[18:45] <BrooklynKnight> Later Stephen!
[18:45] <Roudi> ECagle... don't remind me
[18:45] <ECagle> Rodney> ask Chris...I know he realling likes that   
[18:45] <Browwiw> I always wanted to start a zombie one shot game   
        with a huge tornado
[18:45] <MatSmith> See you, Stephen.
[18:45] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Tell her I said Hi, Adso!
[18:45] <Garen> Later, Adso.
[18:45] *** jezter6 has left #TGM
[18:45] *** Adso has quit IRC
[18:46] <Browwiw> what's worse than a zombie outbreak? a zombnie   
        outbreak with down trees and powerlines
[18:46] *** HellHound is now known as MJasonParent
[18:46] <ECagle> gah. Me speaks English. Good.
[18:46] *** Geist has joined #TGM
[18:46] <RodneyThompson> All I hear is that it's the fan-favorite   
        sourcebook in the SW line.
[18:46] <Roudi> LOL
[18:46] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> The room grows.
[18:46] <BrooklynKnight> A Tornado hits times square and deposites a  
        cache of 800 zombies which begin to ravage NYC.
[18:46] * Geist comes in to watch listen and envelope
[18:46] <ECagle> Heck yeah!
[18:46] <RodneyThompson> But I feel bad asking them to send $180   
        worth of product with no guarantee of entry.
[18:46] <BrooklynKnight> I think that makes for a good game, yea?
[18:46] <ECagle> tornadoes! Zombies! It's movie magic, I tell ya!
[18:46] <Garen> 800 zombies for 8 million people?  Bah!
[18:46] <Roudi> Especially since zombies are more resistant to blunt   
        trauma than most creatures...
[18:46] <BrooklynKnight> Rodney: Thats the Risk. 
[18:46] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> AFK 1 min. BRB
[18:47] <ECagle> Rodney> I can spare three books.
[18:47] <BrooklynKnight> Garen: to start, It spreads like wildfire.
[18:47] <Zouron> Rodney> you win some you lose some, no risk no   
        reward :-)
[18:47] <Garen> Ahh.  "Contagious" zombies.
[18:47] <Roudi> Garen, following the line that zombies beget more   
        zombies when they kill, 800 is more than enough
[18:47] <RodneyThompson> True. No SW product has even been nominated   
        for an ENnie.
[18:47] <Browwiw> so, the Ennies are just a complex scam to get free   
[18:47] <Roudi> Just one is enough to spread the zombiness
[18:47] <RodneyThompson> EvAr.
[18:47] <Garen> Basically, Browwiw.
[18:47] <MJasonParent> Yep
[18:47] <ECagle> Do not reveal the secrets of the ENnies!
[18:47] * Garen is afk.
[18:47] <MJasonParent> BUT, the guys who get the free books are voted   
        into those positions every year
[18:47] <ECagle> For there will be much wrath
[18:47] <BrooklynKnight> Actually, considering Peter Akison endorses   
        the Ennies awards, i think its more then that.
[18:48] *** Garen is now known as Garen[afk]
[18:48] * MJasonParent envies ENnie judges for the swag
[18:48] <BrooklynKnight> I think its officially a Gencon/Enworld   
[18:48] <RichRedman> I think I'm seeing a trend here...
[18:48] <Browwiw> damn it, that's better than my plan to get a bunch   
        of mildly crazy people to live in a communal house so I can   
        confiscate their monly gov't crazy checks
[18:48] <BrooklynKnight> whats the trend Rich
[18:48] <Browwiw> I actually knew a guy tried that, sadly
[18:48] <RichRedman> People entering the room, then going afk
[18:48] <BrooklynKnight> heh
[18:49] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Back
[18:49] <MatSmith> Has anyone sent free books off to the Caglies? 
[18:49] <ECagle> Anyone? Modern Magic 2? Anyone....?
[18:49] <BrooklynKnight> Oh, Rodney, Eric said he was gonna come to   
        the dinner. So we can all get drunk together!
[18:49] <ECagle> heh.
[18:49] <BrooklynKnight> wait, i dont drink..
[18:49] <RodneyThompson> Heh
[18:49] <ECagle> wait, what?
[18:49] <BrooklynKnight> I can watch you get drunk and steal your   
        devleopment secrets!
[18:49] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> I sent a copy of each MMagic volume   
        to the Caglies.
[18:49] <Browwiw> erh, yeah...yeah! I'm staring the People's Choice   
        RPG Awards, sponsored by Browwiw
[18:49] <RodneyThompson> Wow, low ambition there.
[18:49] <MatSmith> Sucker.
[18:49] <MJasonParent> I want to watch him get drunk so I can give   
        him the finger right back this time. :)
[18:49] <Zouron> ECagle> not much to talk about, the voodoo system   
        rules, maybe a bit to much slang in the rule explanation for it but   
        very cool.
[18:50] <RodneyThompson> Hey! That was an accident!
[18:50] * Geist kidnaps Mat JF and rich.
[18:50] *** Napftor has quit IRC
[18:50] <RichRedman> Who's JF?
[18:50] <RodneyThompson> You'll never let me live that down.
[18:50] <Browwiw> goddam siren...going to the radio for a sec
[18:50] <MJasonParent> Actually, looking forward to drinking with   
        Expeditious Retreat again this year.
[18:50] <BrooklynKnight> Oh, by the way..
[18:50] <ECagle> Zouron> well, it's based on a real life religion,   
        so there's gotta be the slang.
[18:50] <BrooklynKnight> I think most of you guys here qualify to vote   
        in the Peer award.
[18:50] <BrooklynKnight> Just contact Mearls
[18:50] <MJasonParent> Maybe beating a free copy of D20 Future out of   
        Rodney while I'm at it.
[18:50] <Zouron> ECagle> for rules no, for flavor sure, but I   
        actually had to go back several time to get what riding the   
        horse ment
[18:51] <Zouron> I think that one was whee bit overboard
[18:51] <MJasonParent> Rodney - you still have the fragmented remains   
        of  last year's ENnie?
[18:51] <RichRedman> heheheh
[18:51] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> I think ours is still in one piece at   
        JD's place.
[18:51] <ECagle> Zouron> fair enough. It was a lot to boil down   
        into 20,000 words.
[18:51] <BrooklynKnight> Jason: at the dinner i'll have a table set   
        aside to keep the ennies safe.
[18:51] <JDWiker> Yes, it's still in one piece.
[18:52] <Browwiw> I should throw my crapped up computer out in the   
        yard and let FEMA by me a new one
[18:52] <Zouron> ECagle> of course, just the meaning of it were   
        a bit unclear, my opinon, I loved voodoo way more then the one   
        in the first
[18:52] * Geist really needs to actualy finish a project so he has a   
        chance for an ennies. i keep trying to for this year but keep   
[18:52] <ECagle> It's in one piece because Marc cradles it all   
        the time, muttering "MWAHH HAAH HAA!"
[18:52] <RodneyThompson> Yeahm I have the shards
[18:52] <Geist> creating an entire book on your own isnt easy
[18:52] * MJasonParent finally got his ENnie from the second ENnies four   
        months after the third ENnies.
[18:52] <BrooklynKnight> Geist: too late for this year. The product   
        had to have been released before may 31st
[18:52] <RodneyThompson> Whoever made them is supposed to help me   
        fix it
[18:52] * RichRedman rolls on the floor over what Eric said
[18:52] <ECagle> Zouron> you mean Skull and Bones?
[18:52] <Geist> Knight> i know they did :P
[18:53] <Geist> there was no way i was rushing my hackers project.
[18:53] <MJasonParent> Rodney - that would be AlSiH20 on the ENworld   
[18:53] * Geist has to put a decent net hacking book out. all the current   
        stuff is sloppy
[18:53] <RodneyThompson> Yeah
[18:53] <Zouron> ECagle> no idea what the magic system was called,   
        it was all about some five element babble
[18:53] <RodneyThompson> He lives in Memphis, but I never head that   
        far west
[18:53] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Ritual magic, Z?
[18:53] <RodneyThompson> He said if I did he'd fix it for me...
[18:53] <ECagle> oh. Heh. That's my babble ;)
[18:53] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> It's pretty babble :)
[18:54] <Zouron> eff> the magic system replacement ;-)
[18:54] <RodneyThompson> We loves it, your precious babble.
[18:54] <ECagle> I blame Marc for taking out all the articles and   
        swear words.
[18:54] <MatSmith> It lost a lot of flavor after that.
[18:54] <RichRedman> Yeah, but he put in the verbs
[18:54] <ECagle> Cat. Magic. Hit.
[18:54] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> I had to make it FIT, Mr. I'll-write-  
[18:54] <RodneyThompson> MM2 was originally called "Eric Cagles Big   
        Book of *BLEEP*ing Rituals"
[18:55] <BrooklynKnight> Eric, Rodney: if you're gonna submit the   
        starwars product. I'm gonna post the link for you one more time   
        with the relevant information...
[18:55] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> :)
[18:55] <Zouron> LOL
[18:55] <BrooklynKnight>
[18:55] <BrooklynKnight> there you go.
[18:55] <BrooklynKnight> Good luck!
[18:55] <RodneyThompson> Thanks.
[18:55] * RichRedman can't chat because Rodney made him laugh too much
[18:55] <BrooklynKnight> Products must be in by the 10th
[18:55] <ECagle> Well, Marc...I know when you say 20,000 words, you   
        MEAN 88,000.
[18:55] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> I think that book would sell. Eric -   
        talk to me later this week :)
[18:55] <ECagle> Don't lie. :)
[18:55] <BrooklynKnight> So, i suggest ya send them out express,   
        really soon.
[18:55] <MatSmith> Heh.
[18:55] <MatSmith> It's true!
[18:56] <MJasonParent> Arthur Borko --> ENnies Pimp
[18:56] <ECagle> See, Mat hit's HIS word count. <grumbles>
[18:56] <RodneyThompson> See, I've got bead on the industry's NEXT   
        BIG THING
[18:56] <Zouron> ECagle> MM1's was in my opinion, a bit too much   
        babble that confused the meaning, MM2 wasn't as bad but still had   
        some leftover of it, so I guess if there is going to be a MM3 you   
        will do perfect heh :-)
[18:56] <RichRedman> No, no, Mat does NOT hit his word count.
[18:56] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Mat hits his word count EXACTLY. He's   
        that sort of writer. It's his copywriting training.
[18:56] <MatSmith> I hit it and forgot to slow dowm.
[18:56] <BrooklynKnight> Jason: I always pimp the things I support.   
        You know how dependable i am.
[18:56] * Roudi perks up at the mention of NEXT BIG THING
[18:56] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> He'll re-write a chapter until it has   
        just the right word count.
[18:56] <RichRedman> Unless we take the document away from him at   
        just the right moment, and then he keeps writing!
[18:56] <MatSmith> Did I *have* a word count?
[18:56] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> :)
[18:57] <ECagle> Art...having trouble with messages here.
[18:57] <MatSmith> Yeah! I even sit down an rework my stuff once it's   
        in the layout.--Consummate professionalism, that.
[18:57] * RichRedman refuses to rise to the bait.
[18:57] <MJasonParent> I come out within 20 words on either side on   
        assignments... but it's a lot harder to stay on target for a full   
        book. They tend to evolve...
[18:57] <BrooklynKnight> k
[18:57] <RodneyThompson> I think I'm going to write up a blog entry   
        on those adventure axioms I was talking about.
[18:58] <BrooklynKnight> you're on a mac, arent you
[18:58] <ECagle> heh, yup
[18:58] <ECagle> and a trial version of Ircle
[18:58] * BrooklynKnight pities you
[18:58] <RodneyThompson> No wonder your writing contains swear words.
[18:58] <BrooklynKnight> :-D
[18:58] <ECagle> Hey....
[18:58] <Roudi> HA!
[18:58] <Zouron> night
[18:58] <Roudi> So, what's the next big thing, Rodney?
[18:58] *** Zouron has quit IRC
[18:59] <RodneyThompson> Eric Cagle writing vulgar ritual magic books,   
        of course.
[18:59] <BrooklynKnight> Macs are only good if you spend 4000$ on   
        them, and even then, only for video or layout and design editing.
[18:59] <RodneyThompson> And NPC class guides.
[18:59] <ECagle> Dem's fightin' words, me lad.
[18:59] <MJasonParent> No comment, Art.
[18:59] * MJasonParent refuses to get into OSWar III
[18:59] <ECagle> Rodney, yeah..wanna help?
[18:59] <RodneyThompson> And if you believe that, I have some land in   
        California I'd like to sell you
[18:59] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> BK: My sysadmin roommate would argue   
        against you. He bought a mac and got a mac, a unix box, and a   
        windows emulator all in one package.
[18:59] <Gary> Not my land, Rodney.
[18:59] <Browwiw> wait a minute...we're under a tornado *and* a sever   
        thunderstorm watch? not to offend any Wiccans that might be in the   
        room, but screw mother nature.
[18:59] <RichRedman> No OS wars.
[18:59] <ECagle> hehe. No offense taken ;)
[19:00] <BrooklynKnight> Now thats a good d20modern setting!
[19:00] <RodneyThompson> I'm in, E.
[19:00] <BrooklynKnight> "The OS Wars!"
[19:00] <MJasonParent> Hey Roudi - going to drag your ass down from   
        the Canadian North to GenCon this year?
[19:00] <ECagle> Brow> gotta work in those zombies with the bad   
        weather, I'm tellin ya!
[19:00] <RichRedman> It *could* be a good hook, but it doesn't leap   
        off the screen into my head.
[19:00] <BrooklynKnight> Blue Screens of Death rolling critical hits   
        against armed Penguins and Self Proppelled applies
[19:00] <Roudi> Likely not.  I'm having to move back home to Brampton   
        to seek employment.
[19:00] <ECagle> GURPS Canada?
[19:01] <Roudi> Since this summer is my time to stock up on grocery   
        funds for the next school year, spending money to go to GenCon is   
        hard to justify.
[19:01] <Gary> That would be "GURPS Eh!"
[19:01] <Browwiw> Cagle, I have a 20 foot diameter sink hole in my   
        front yards that has actually opened up an old flooded mine shaft...  
        I have no doubt the zombies will come from that
[19:01] <MJasonParent> No no no... "GURPS Beer Hunting, eh"
[19:01] <RichRedman> My neighbor's dog has been barking since I got   
        home two hours ago, and is the reason why I didn't get my mail   
        today. I must either kill the dog or have words with my neighbor.   
        Either way, talk to you next week.
[19:01] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Eric: What magic flavor would be neat   
        to write up but wasn't in Modern Magic? Opinion?
[19:01] <Roudi> "All right, roll up yerself a hoser... I mean,   
[19:01] <RodneyThompson> GenCon is like a vacation and a career   
[19:01] *** RichRedman has quit IRC
[19:01] <BrooklynKnight> gencon tires me out
[19:01] <Roudi> Oh, I know, Rodney
[19:01] <ECagle> eff> as in another magical system?
[19:02] <Roudi> Hard to justify to my parents that d20 writing is a   
        viable career.
[19:02] <RodneyThompson> I have an idea on that, Marc...
[19:02] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Yeah. We have Ritual, Voudon,   
[19:02] <MJasonParent> Rodney: You forgot "and a horrifying nightmare   
        of drinking, table dances and carnage"
[19:02] <BrooklynKnight> Eric: the message i sent ya was How much pull   
        do you have with the wotc d20modern webcontent :-p
[19:02] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Feel free to speak up, RT.
[19:02] <ECagle> brooklyn> Some...sorta.
[19:02] <Roudi> Since they fund my education, they get more than   
        enough say into my career choices, sadly.
[19:02] <Roudi> Won't stop me from writing, mind.
[19:02] <BrooklynKnight> Poly is dead, and Erik never got back to   
        me -_-, i've been sitting on this class forever.
[19:02] <RodneyThompson> MJP: Uhh...the memory's a little fuzzy on   
        that front...probably because of the wild parties at Marc's place
[19:03] <Gary> Marc throws wild parties?
[19:03] <MJasonParent> Ah... my fuzzy memory comes from the White   
        Wolf parties.
[19:03] <Browwiw> Roudi, I'm a double English major and an Education   
        Major...parents get used to throwing their money away
[19:03] <ECagle> haw!
[19:03] <ECagle> With Marc's mom bringing out more soda ;)
[19:03] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Yeah. Ward and June really know how   
        to host a shindig.
[19:03] <Gary> Kick ass.
[19:03] <Roudi> Browwiw, how ironic... I'm an English Major soon to   
        be an Education major.
[19:03] <Gary> Do we get to eat rice crispie squares?
[19:03] <BrooklynKnight> I'm a TV/R major
[19:03] <ECagle> Eff> I'd like to see a good Shamanism write up
[19:03] <RodneyThompson> As for what MM didn't cover...I've been   
        looking for a good, abstract magic system.
[19:04] <Roudi> See, I'm not their child, I'm their investment.    
        Eventually, I'm supposed to "pay back" everything they've put into   
        me by taking care of them when they retire.
[19:04] <RodneyThompson> I've been kicking around translating Ars   
        Magica's basic precepts to Modern.
[19:04] <ECagle> out of body experiences, ancestor/animal spirits
[19:04] <RodneyThompson> Eric: I like the latter
[19:04] <Browwiw> not only that, my English degree emphasis is   
        creative writing
[19:04] <RodneyThompson> Animal Totems could be very cool.
[19:04] <Browwiw> and here we have Rodney, whose some computer tech   
        major in a frat, and he's already broken into the industry
[19:04] <BrooklynKnight> Hey! there is a great d20modern adventure   
        hook on the  news right now!
[19:04] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Well, ArM is a great system, but   
        it's not open as far as I know :)
[19:04] <Roudi> Wish I could emphasize such at my univeristy... sadly,   
        Creative Writing is but two courses here.
[19:04] <Browwiw> wheres the justice in that?
[19:05] <Roudi> None, I tells yeah.
[19:05] <ECagle> I just don't want to convert Vitrifilius to d20 ;)
[19:05] <RodneyThompson> Well, I just meant the idea of a "part A +   
        part B = effect C" magic system
[19:05] <Roudi> Mind you, I've "broken into" the industry too... just   
        not at Rodney's level.
[19:05] <MJasonParent> brb - more beer
[19:05] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> I'm in the industry, but that doesn't   
        mean I have a paycheck.
[19:05] <BrooklynKnight> Being that i'm in Arms and Armor by bastion   
        press, what level does that place me at?
[19:05] <Gary> See you blokes in about a week.
[19:05] <RodneyThompson> I take that as a compliment, Roudi.
[19:06] <RodneyThompson> Gary, take care of yourself.
[19:06] <RodneyThompson> Catch you soon.
[19:06] <Roudi> You're welcome.
[19:06] <Browwiw> actually, if I actually just got off my ass and   
        produced something i could easily published in at least local and   
        area magazines
[19:06] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Later, G.
[19:06] <BrooklynKnight> and i hae the personal phone numbers of many   
        industry bigwigs in my cellphone.
[19:06] <Gary> You, too Rodney. Don't work too hard.
[19:06] <BrooklynKnight> that has to mean something.
[19:06] <BrooklynKnight> :-D
[19:06] <Browwiw> but, I am lazy and my own worst enemy
[19:06] <Roudi> I've been working for the Brood for nearly a year   
        now... our last release, Quickshots Charlie, was NPC'd and Monstered   
        almost entirely by me.
[19:07] *** Gary has left #TGM
[19:07] <RodneyThompson> Another idea I've liked in the realm of d20   
        Magic is Wheel of Time's magic system....basic spells that you can   
        "pump up" or add effects to without needing to learn new spells...
[19:07] <Roudi> BK here was responsible for much of the NPC work on   
        Quickshots Alpha and Bravo.
[19:07] <Browwiw> I just want to write decent literature
[19:07] <Roudi> Ditto, Browwiw.
[19:07] <Browwiw> no matter what the genre or medium
[19:07] <RodneyThompson> Essentially, devoting more of your power to   
        a spell to give it new abilities.
[19:07] <MatSmith> Rodney> I was in the midst of asking if you'd   
        checked out the WoT and the Weave.
[19:07] <RodneyThompson> Well, I'm a big WoT buff anyways, so I may   
        be biased.
[19:07] <MatSmith> I liked that system--very nifty things you can do 
[19:07] <ECagle> Sorry, had to let the mutt out.
[19:08] <RodneyThompson> But I like the idea of metamagic without   
[19:08] <ECagle> He was gonna "ehsplode"
[19:08] <MatSmith> Me too.
[19:08] <RodneyThompson> I've got a handful of variant magic systems   
        I've tinkered with and playtested that never went anywhere.
[19:08] <ECagle> Beer does not equal a magic system, Rodney.
[19:08] <RodneyThompson> Wish I'd know about Unearthed Arcana in time   
        to see if Ed would have let me in.
[19:08] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> It is to the hops and barley.
[19:09] <RodneyThompson> Har har har.
[19:09] <ECagle> :)
[19:09] *** ECagle has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped.)
[19:09] * effrenatus[TGM_Marc] summons ECagle.
[19:09] *** ECagle has joined #TGM
[19:09] <RodneyThompson> Am I to be known as the drunken, frat boy   
        author from now on? Because MJP has the drunk part down pat.
[19:09] <BrooklynKnight> Roudi: I was?
[19:09] <BrooklynKnight> Roudi: I just edited them... :-p I didint   
        write them. heh.
[19:09] <Browwiw> I'm drunk, humid and angry...where Dana Jorgenson?   
        I need to work out some misplaced anger
[19:09] <Roudi> Well, you said so.
[19:09] <MJasonParent> LOL
[19:09] <ECagle> Marc...give me the power of Greyskull!
[19:09] <Roudi> Sorry, my bad.
[19:09] <BrooklynKnight> Editing, Playtesting.
[19:10] <MJasonParent> Damn... How long have you known Dana?
[19:10] <Roudi> Browwiw... LOL
[19:10] * effrenatus[TGM_Marc] passes ECagle some power of Greekskull.
[19:10] <Roudi> We need an online punching bag with his face on it.
[19:10] <RodneyThompson> I'll tell you one thing I *really* want to   
        write a book about.
[19:10] *** Marcus_Fenway has joined #TGM
[19:10] <RodneyThompson> Modern planeswalking.
[19:10] * MJasonParent has been 'dealing' with Dana since starting writing   
        Cyberpunk 2020 fanpages years ago
[19:10] * effrenatus[TGM_Marc] passes Eric some of the power of Yorik's   
[19:11] <RodneyThompson> No one has touched it much yet (and now   
        having said that I've given away my idea ;) ) but I think it could   
        be done really well.
[19:11] <ECagle> Eh, it'll do.
[19:11] *** Marcus_Fenway has quit IRC (Quit: "Me, I'm dishonest, and a   
        dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, its   
        the honest ones you want to watch out for, cause you can never   
        predict when they are about to do something incredibly stupid."   
        - Capt. Jack Sparrow.)
[19:11] <Browwiw> I only know Dana from the d20 boards...I have no   
        idea about him beyond his online persona, but I have this mental   
        image of him living in his mother's basement
[19:11] <Browwiw> cradling weapons and sobbing
[19:11] <MJasonParent> His persona on-line hasn't gotten any worse   
        than it was ten years ago.
[19:11] <Roudi> He's a self-published d20 writer, Browwiw.
[19:11] <Browwiw> I know
[19:11] <RodneyThompson> You see it all the time in other modern   
        games/genres...Werewolf has the Umbra, lots of modern horror has   
        "other worlds" and so on.
[19:11] <ECagle> Did Redman flee?
[19:11] <Browwiw> he's told me...and everyone else
[19:11] * effrenatus[TGM_Marc] tries to come up with another topic about   
        Modern Magic. He's a consumate grassroots marketer.
[19:12] <RodneyThompson> I'm just babbling here. I stop now.
[19:12] <MJasonParent> He's also a self-published fantasy RPG author.
[19:12] <MatSmith> Make it good, Marc. I'm on my way outta here.
[19:12] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Anyone: What's your favorite Modern   
        Magic spell or FX item?
[19:12] <Roudi> He's written some particularly amusing reviews for   
        Quickshots Alpha and Bravo.
[19:12] <MJasonParent> He sold 200-something copies of his old game...
[19:12] <RodneyThompson> Finger Nail Gun!
[19:12] * effrenatus[TGM_Marc] captures Mat's attention.
[19:12] <Browwiw> oh, jeez
[19:12] <ECagle> DANG! you beat me to it .
[19:12] <BrooklynKnight> So.. Eric: heh.. *looks innocent*, reember   
        that advanced class ya liked so much? Would it be possible to maybe   
        get it up as web content on the wotc site? I have no chance of   
        getting it into Poly now -_-
[19:12] <RodneyThompson> Or the screen saver one.
[19:13] <MatSmith> Zzzt!
[19:13] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> What was your fav, Mat?
[19:13] <MatSmith> I like the illo. on Hypnotic Screensaver.
[19:13] <ECagle> Brooklyn> talk to Rich Redman, actually...he's   
        putting more online content on than I am. He could work it into a   
        "In the Bunker" column.
[19:13] <MatSmith> Umm. Lemme think.
[19:13] <BrooklynKnight> 0o0o.
[19:13] <ECagle> Cell Phone Hand :)
[19:13] <BrooklynKnight> and he left! lol
[19:13] <RodneyThompson> ...with a sufficient bribe, BK
[19:13] <BrooklynKnight> i'll email him later.
[19:13] <ECagle> Has to get better reception than my crappy Erickson.
[19:13] <BrooklynKnight> Well, i originally wrote it for an MPC Web   
[19:14] <MatSmith> Really, I like the suite of pantomimed spells the   
[19:14] <BrooklynKnight> Mark here is never gonna get to it though :-p
[19:14] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Phantom Oil Well: Fire a shotgun into   
        the ground and up comes a bubblin' crude. Mage 4.
[19:14] <BrooklynKnight> its really good, and i'm really really proud   
        of it, i just want it out there, officially, any way i can manage.
[19:14] <RodneyThompson> Good one.
[19:14] <ECagle> I also like the Postcards that transport you to the   
        location of the picture. Good adventure hook, that one :)
[19:14] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Jed was a wizard.
[19:14] <BrooklynKnight> I like the spells that change the   
        traffic lights!
[19:14] <MatSmith> =) 
[19:14] <BrooklynKnight> >_>
[19:14] <BrooklynKnight> err, you have those right?
[19:14] <ECagle> "And up from the ground came a bubblin' ooze."
[19:15] <RodneyThompson> Alright, gents. I've got to head home now.   
        I'll be online later if you want to chat.
[19:15] <MatSmith> See you, Rodney.
[19:15] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Later, RT. Hope to see you next week!
[19:15] <BrooklynKnight> l8er bro!
[19:15] <ECagle> Take care Rodney...see you in the Hyatt Lounge ;)
[19:15] <MJasonParent> l8r Rodney
[19:15] <Browwiw> i like the phantom cell phone spell, where you   
        listen to your thumb and talk into your pinkie
[19:15] <RodneyThompson> I'll be here, but a little late.
[19:15] <RodneyThompson> Eric: We'll have to talk before Origins
[19:15] <Browwiw> seeya, Rodney
[19:15] <RodneyThompson> Later all.
[19:15] <ECagle> okeedokes
[19:15] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> I wonder how good the reception is   
        on that hand.
[19:15] *** Chris has joined #TGM
[19:15] *** RodneyThompson has quit IRC (Quit: I'm out!.)
[19:15] <MatSmith> Cellular Hand--yep. 
[19:16] <BrooklynKnight> Chris? Chris who?
[19:16] <ECagle> "Can you hear me now? Good."
[19:16] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> "My palm says 'out of zone.'"
[19:16] <Chris> the only chris that exists here
[19:16] <Browwiw> cell phones just make people look crazy...i love it
[19:16] <BrooklynKnight> There are far too many Chris' and Erics in   
        the industry
[19:16] <MatSmith> along with Hand Grenade, Hand Gun (Greater Hand   
        Gun), and Point-n-Shoot.
[19:16] <Roudi> Far too few Davids.
[19:16] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Hello, Chris.
[19:16] <BrooklynKnight> No Arthurs!
[19:17] <BrooklynKnight> well
[19:17] <BrooklynKnight> they got me
[19:17] <Roudi> MatSmith... why does Hand Grenade sound like something   
        out of Death Race 2000?
[19:17] * Chris = Bynw
[19:17] <BrooklynKnight> ah, ok
[19:17] <ECagle> Too few game designers with umlouts in their names.
[19:17] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> sneaky.
[19:17] <MatSmith> Roudi> I dunno--Did they use hand grenades in   
        Death Race 2000?
[19:17] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> At least we have Rein*Hagen and his dot.
[19:18] <Chris> yeah thats cool
[19:18] <ECagle> I'll change my name to Er%* von C#$le, esq.
[19:18] <Roudi> Mat... yep... the main guy had a grenade in the shape   
        of a hand over his actual hand... a literal "Hand" grenade.
[19:19] <Roudi> C'mon... a last name like "Gallant" has got to be   
        distinctive in the d20 industry
[19:19] <MatSmith> Ah. That's funny. A sort of pirate accessory. In   
        lieu of a hook, you know.
[19:19] <MJasonParent> LOL - first time I met Mr Rein*Hagen, he was   
        in the process of falling over me...
[19:19] <Roudi> Exactly, Mat.
[19:19] <Roudi> It was the worst pun in the movie.
[19:19] <ECagle> Yeah, but you can't say  "yar, matey" with a hand   
        grenade hand.
[19:19] <MatSmith> I imagine that's saying something
[19:19] <MatSmith> Right. I've gotta take off.
[19:19] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Later, Mat! Thanks for stopping in.
[19:19] <ECagle> see ya mat. BBQ city tomorrow.
[19:19] <Roudi> later Mat
[19:20] <BrooklynKnight> bye mat!
[19:20] <MatSmith> Anytime. BBQ tomorrow, yes. See all of you guys   
[19:20] <JDWiker> Cagle, don't forget: No comics tomorrow, so   
        maybe no barbecue, either. (That is, the usual gang may not go.)
[19:20] <MatSmith> (Melissa says "Bye from me")
[19:20] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Later, Melissa!
[19:21] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> If BBQ is on Thurs, I'm in.
[19:21] <MatSmith> Me get BBQ. Comics, bah!
[19:21] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Let me know.
[19:21] *** Chris has left #TGM
[19:21] <MatSmith> See you guys sometime in the indeterminate future.
[19:21] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Otherwise, I can't justify the gas   
        money, which is more than the lunch :)
[19:21] <BrooklynKnight> i need to go work on my script
[19:22] <BrooklynKnight> L8er everyone! Eric, Thanks for coming,   
        and confirming, see ya at the con!
[19:22] *** MatSmith has quit IRC (Quit: Quit.)
[19:22] <ECagle> Take care, Arthur.
[19:22] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Later, BK!
[19:22] <Roudi> Later folks
[19:22] <Roudi> Wait, only BK is going... Later BK!
[19:23] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> I think we're slowing down.
[19:23] <ECagle> Yeah.
[19:23] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> It is about time to wrap up.
[19:23] <ECagle> I'm outtie too. Dog walks in my future.
[19:24] <Roudi> All right.  Been fun, folks... keep it up.
[19:24] *** Roudi has left #TGM
[19:24] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Give Mocha a good "blam" for me, Cagle.
[19:24] <ECagle> We covered the book, the RPGA, zombies, the ENnies,   
        and tornadoes. NOt too bad for one night.
[19:24] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> :)
[19:24] <ECagle> I need the blam board for that.
[19:24] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> I'm going to try to get the past two   
        weeks of chats posted on the website this week.
[19:24] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> OK, just scratch behind his ears.
[19:24] <ECagle> :)
[19:24] <ECagle> bye ya'll.
[19:24] <BrooklynKnight> ECagle: you should start a live journal :-p
[19:24] <BrooklynKnight> l8er!
[19:25] *** ECagle has quit IRC (Quit: Gone.)
[19:25] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> I think it's time for me to take off,   
        too. Been here about 2.5 hours now, and need some real dinner.
[19:25] *** JDWiker has quit IRC
[19:25] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Thanks everyone for coming!
[19:25] <effrenatus[TGM_Marc]> Hope to see you each Tuesday.
[19:26] *** Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Jun 01 19:26:16 2004
Unless otherwise noted, all content ©2002-2008 The Game Mechanics, Inc. All rights reserved.
Marc is working on a class project for grad school. It involves Free Computer Games.
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