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Complete Feats

by Stan! and Marc Schmalz
Editing: Tammie Webb Ryan and Marc Schmalz
Layout and Typesetting: Marc Schmalz

Complete Feats is a free tool offered in promotion of the Future Player's Companion. It summarizes all feats from d20 Modern Roleplaying Game (Wizards of the Coast), d20 Future (Wizards of the Coast), Urban Arcana Campaign Setting (Wizards of the Coast), Ultramodern Firearms (Green Ronin Publishing), Future Player's Companion (The Game Mechanics), and Modern Player's Companion (The Game Mechanics).

Feats are the most customizable part of a d20 System character. While the game is built so that characters with the same class are more or less comparable (not interchangeable, but certainly similar), the real difference between characters becomes clear after feats and, to a lesser extent, talents are selected.

Feats are where the real style and panache of the game is, so of course selecting them is a painstaking task. Everyone wants to look good, right?

Feat Proliferation

It's not surprising, then, that most d20 System products include new feats. Every designer wants to add something cool to the game, and players are always looking for new ways to make their characters stand out from the crowd.

The only problem with this proliferation of new feats is the difficulty in remembering what they all are and where they can each be found. After all, a feat that you can't find cannot help you during character creation or leveling up.

One of the handiest charts for players is Table 3-1: Feats (see Chapter 3 of the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game). It presents all the feats available in one handy reference table. Well, all the feats in the main game. But new feats are published all the time.

Sadly, this table has no way to reflect the increasing number of possibilities.

A New Table For A New Day

In order to make the creation process easier and more efficient, we've worked up a new version of the Feats table that includes feats from other futuristic and modern d20 System products. For your convenience, the table provides a reference for which d20 System book or books contain the feat in question. The books and abbreviations used are:

d20F = d20 Future (Wizards of the Coast)
d20M = d20 Modern Roleplaying Game (Wizards of the Coast)
FPC = Future Player's Companion (The Game Mechanics)
MPC = Modern Player's Companion (The Game Mechanics)
UMF = Ultramodern Firearms (Green Ronin Publishing)
UA = Urban Arcana Campaign Setting (Wizards of the Coast)

From time to time, the Game Mechanics will post updates to this list as a free download on our website. If you are aware of another modern d20 System game that presents feats that should be considered for inclusion on this list, post a message about it on The Game Mechanics' "Experiments and Helpware" message board. We do, however, reserve the right to editorialize and selectively include only the feats that we personally think are good additions to the game.

General Feats
Feat Prerequisites Benefits Source
Acrobatic -- +2 on Jump and Tumble checks d20M
Action Boost -- Roll d8s when spending action points d20F
Improved Action Boost Action Boost Roll d10s when spending action points FPC
Advanced Action Boost Action Boost, Improved Action Boost. Roll d12s when spending action points FPC
Extra Action Boost Action Boost Gain two additional action points each level FPC
Helping Hand Action Boost Spend action points to aid allies' rolls FPC
Over the Limit Action Boost Use two action points in one round FPC
Active Dodge -- Spend action points to improve Defense FPC
Aircraft Operations ¹ Pilot 4 ranks No -4 penalty on Pilot checks or attack rolls with selected class of aircraft d20M
Alertness -- +2 on Listen and Spot checks d20M
Alien Cohort ² Character level 6, Charisma 13 Gain a lower level alien follower FPC
Alien Weapons Proficiency -- Proficient in use of alien weapons d20F
Animal Affinity -- +2 on Handle Animals and Ride checks d20M
Arcane Skills -- Concentration, Craft (chemical), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device are class skills UA
Archaic Weapons Proficiency -- Proficient in swords, bows, etc. d20M
Armor Proficiency (light) -- Add equipment bonus for armor type to your Defense; no armor penalty for skill checks d20M
Armor Proficiency (medium) Armor Proficiency (light) Add equipment bonus for armor type to your Defense; no armor penalty for skill checks d20M
Armor Proficiency (heavy) Armor Proficiency (light, medium) Add equipment bonus for armor type to your Defense; no armor penalty for skill checks d20M
Armor Proficiency (powered) Armor Proficiency (light) , Armor Proficiency (medium) Add equipment bonus for armor type to your Defense d20F
Powered Armor Defender Armor Proficiency (light) , Armor Proficiency (medium), Armor Proficiency (powered) +2 to Defense in powered armor FPC
Powered Armor Warrior Armor Proficiency (light) , Armor Proficiency (medium), Armor Proficiency (powered) +1 on attacks (and damage) with Integrated Weapon gadgets FPC
Athletic -- +2 on Climb and Swim checks d20M
Attentive -- +2 on Investigate and Sense Motive checks d20M
Authorized Channels Reputation +1 Purchase Licensed or Restricted gear at unrestricted prices FPC
Benevolent Mutation -- Gain 3 Mutation Points FPC
Black Marketeer Reputation +1 Easily purchase and sell Licensed and Restricted gear FPC
Blind-Fight -- Reroll miss chance d20M
Brain Burn Psionic abilities Convert 5 HP into 1 power point MPC
Brawl -- +1 on unarmed attacks, 1d6 + Str bonus nonlethal damage d20M
Improved Brawl Brawl, base attack bonus +3 +2 on unarmed attacks, 1d8 + Str bonus nonlethal damage d20M
Improved Grapple Brawl, Dex 13 +4 bonus on grapple checks UA
Knockout Punch Brawl, base attack bonus +3 Nonlethal unarmed attack is automatically critical hit d20M
Improved Knockout Punch Brawl, Knockout Punch, base attack bonus +6 Nonlethal unarmed critical hit deals triple damage d20M
Streetfighting Brawl, base attack bonus +2 +1d4 damage once per round with unarmed attack or light melee weapon d20M
Improved Feint Int 13, Brawl, Streetfighting +2 on Bluff checks to feint; feint as move action d20M
Bridge Commander One talent from the Leadership Talent Tree, Charisma 13 Double benefits from Leadership talents FPC
Builder -- +2 on any two of Craft (chemical, electronic, mechanical, structural) checks d20M
Cautious -- +2 on Demolitions and Disable Device checks d20M
Charismatic Plus ¹ -- Gain two talents from Charismatic hero talent trees d20F
Code of Honor Any allegiance +4 on certain checks when dealing with same allegiance, -4 when dealing with opposite MPC
Cohort 6th-level character Gain a lower level heroic follower MPC
Collector Knowledge (pop culture) 5 ranks +5 on Wealth check to have specific class of item on hand MPC
Combat Expertise Int 13 Reduce attack bonus by up to -5, increase Defense bonus by up to +5 d20M
Improved Disarm Int 13, Combat Expertise Disarm does not provoke attack of opportunity d20M
Improved Trip Int 13, Combat Expertise Trip opponent and make an immediate melee attack d20M
Whirlwind Attack Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +4 One melee attack at each opponent within 5 feet d20M
Combat Martial Arts Base attack bonus +1 1d4 + Str lethal or nonlethal damage, considered armed d20M
Improved Combat Martial Arts Combat Martial Arts, base attack bonus +4 Unarmed strike threatens critical hit on 19 or 20 d20M
Advanced Combat Martial Arts Combat Martial Arts, Improved Combat Martial Arts, base attack bonus +8 Unarme strike critical hit deals ×3 damage d20M
Martial Arts Weapons Proficiency Combat Martial Arts, Defensive Martial Arts, base attack bonus +1 Proficient in 3 specific exotic melee weapons MPC
Nerve Pinch Combat Martial Arts, base attack bonus +4 Unarmed strike incapacitates foes d20F
Combat Reflexes -- Additional attacks of opportunity d20M
Confident -- +2 on Gamble and Intimidate checks d20M
Craft Cybernetics Craft (electrical) 10 ranks, Craft (mechanical) 10 ranks, Knowledge (life sciences) 5 ranks Build cybernetic attachments d20F
Craft Nanotech Craft (electronics) 12 ranks, Knowledge (technology) 9 ranks Build nanocolonies FPC
Creative -- +2 on any two Craft (visual arts, writing), or Perform checks d20M
Cross-Training -- +1 to two different ability scores, -2 to one ability score MPC
Cybernetic Savant ¹ -- Double benefits from a cybernetic enhancement. FPC
Cyberphile Cybertaker Halve penalties for additional cybernetics FPC
Cybertaker ² -- Attach more cybernetics without penalty d20F
Deceptive -- +2 on Bluff and Disguise checks d20M
Culturally Adapted Deceptive +2 on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Disguise against native speakers of known language FPC
Haggle Deceptive or Trustworthy Bluff or Diplomacy check to modify purchase DC by 1 MPC
Dedicated Plus ¹ -- Gain two talents from Dedicated hero talent trees d20F
Defensive Martial Arts -- +1 dodge bonus to Defense against melee attacks d20M
Combat Throw Defensive Martial Arts +2 to Str, Dex on trips and grapples d20M
Improved Combat Throw Defensive Martial Arts, Combat Throw, base attack bonus +3 Free trip attack when opponent misses you d20M
Elusive Target Dex 13, Defensive Martial Arts -4 on ranged attacks against you while engaged in melee combat d20M
Unbalance Opponent Defensive Martial Arts, base attack bonus +6 Opponent receives no Str bonus to attack, only to damage d20M
Dimensional Vagabond -- +4 on Navigate for dimensional travel; +4 to resist dimensional static FPC
Dodge Dex 13 +1 dodge bonus against selected opponent d20M
Agile Riposte Dex 13, Dodge Make one attack of opportunity when your designated target fails a melee attack against you d20M
Improved Dodge Dex 13, Dodge +2 dodge bonus against selected opponent MPC
Greater Dodge Dex 13, Dodge, Improved Dodge +3 dodge bonus against selected opponent MPC
Supreme Dodge Dex 13, Dodge, Improved Dodge, Greater Dodge +4 dodge bonus against selected opponent or split between various opponents MPC
Mobility Dex 13, Dodge +4 dodge bonus against attacks of opportunity d20M
Sidestep Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility Follow opponent making 5-foot step out of melee MPC
Back Off Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Sidestep Use attack of opportunity to make a 5-foot step MPC
Spring Attack Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +4 Move before and after melee attack d20M
Drive-By Attack -- No speed penalty when attacking from moving vehicle d20M
Educated ¹ -- +2 on any two Knowledge checks d20M
Empowered Turning Ability to turn/rebuke, Cha 13 Turn/rebuke more creatures than normal UA
Endurance -- +4 on certain Swim and Con checks, some Fort saves d20M
Energy Aligned -- +4 on saves to resist one type of energy damage FPC
Evolved Organ ¹ -- Gain benefits from an advanced organ FPC
Exotic Melee Weapon Proficiency ¹ Base attack bonus +1 Proficient in specific exotic melee weapon d20M
Expert Advice ¹ 1 rank in chosen skill Use Reputation bonus instead of ability bonus with chosen skill MPC
Extra Turning Ability to turn/rebuke May turn/rebuke more times per day UA
Far Shot -- Multiply range increments by 1.5 (2 for thrown weapons) d20M
Dead Aim Wis 13, Far Shot +2 on ranged attack if full round spent aiming d20M
Improved Dead Aim Wis 13, Far Shot, Dead Aim +3 on ranged attack if full round spent aiming UMF, MPC
Fast Plus ¹ -- Gain two talents from Fast hero talent trees d20F
Financial Wizard Profession 4 ranks Recover Wealth quicker when leveling up MPC
Deep Pockets Profession 4 ranks, Financial Wizard Reduce Wealth loss from expensive purchases MPC
Focused -- +2 on Balance and Concentration checks d20M
Follow That Car Drive 6 ranks, Vehicle Dodge, Vehicle Specialization Remain directly behind vehicle you are following MPC
Frightful Presence Cha 15, Intimidate 9 ranks Lower-level foes are shaken (Will save negates) d20M
Gearhead -- +2 on Computer Use and Repair checks d20M
Gene Spliced -- Gain a mutation FPC
Gene Therapist Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences) 12 ranks, Research 9 ranks, Intelligence 13 Permanent alterations to a subject's genetic structure take half the normal time FPC
Genome Interchange Gene Therapist Extend the benefits of short-term gene therapy FPC
Ghost in the Machine Computer Use 6 ranks Opponents receive -4 on Computer Use to interfere with your hacking FPC
Good Impression Cha 13 Opposed Reputation check to get +4 on Bluff MPC
Government Sanctioned Must be aligned with at least one legitimate government +2 on Charisma-based checks against government officials FPC
Great Fortitude -- +2 on Fortitude saves d20M
Guide -- +2 on Navigate and Survival checks d20M
Hard-Eyed Cha 13, Intimidate 4 ranks +5 on Intimidate checks when aiming a gun at  target UMF, MPC
Heroic Surge -- Extra move or attack action d20M
Improved Damage Threshold ² -- Massive damage threshold = Con +3 instead of Con d20M
Improved Initiative -- +4 on initiative checks d20M
Improved Natural Healing Fort save bonus +5 Recover hit points at twice normal rate UA
Improved Turning Ability to turn/rebuke +2 bonus on turn/rebuke checks UA
Iron Will -- +2 on Will saves d20M
Jack of All Trades Character level 8 May use skills which otherwise require training d20F, UA
Jetpack Flare Base Attack Bonus +1 Use jetpack thrusters for attack FPC
Lightning Reflexes -- +2 on Reflex saves d20M
Long-Term Learning One talent from the Instruction talent tree Double benefits from Instruction talents FPC
Low Profile -- Reduce Reputation bonus by 3 d20M
Lucky -- Spend action point to reroll d20 result MPC
Magical Affinity -- +2 bonus on Spellcraft and Use Magic Device checks UA
Magic Defense Spellcasting SR = 5 + caster level MPC
Improved Magic Defense Spellcasting, Magic Defense SR = 10 + caster level MPC
Greater Magic Defense Spellcasting, Magic Defense, Improved Magic Defense SR = 15 + caster level MPC
Malleable Genetics -- Decrease MP cost of mutations by 1 FPC
Mastercrafter Craft (electrical) 8 ranks, Craft (mechanical) 8 ranks Create mastercraft electronic and mechanical devices d20F
Mecha Engineer ¹ Craft (electronics) 6 ranks, Craft (mechanical) 6 ranks, Repair 6 ranks Gain additional equipment slots when working on mecha. FPC
Medical Expert -- +2 on Craft (pharmaceutical) and Treat Injury checks d20M
Mental Warding -- Resist attempts to read your surface thoughts FPC
Mental Buffer Mental Warding Give false information during attempts to read your surface thoughts FPC
Mentor One talent from the Instruction Talent Tree Affect 2 additional allies with Instruction talents FPC
Meticulous -- +2 on Forgery and Search checks d20M
Mutation Focus One minor or major mutation +1 die damage with selected mutation FPC
Nanotaker -- Detect nanocolonies in your own body and nearby FPC
Nanoimmunity Nanotaker Resist malevolent nanocolonies FPC
Nanophile Concentraion 6 ranks, Nanotaker Control the nanocolonies in your own body FPC
Natural Talent ¹ -- Double action point benefits for selected skill FPC
Nimble -- +2 on Escape Artist and Sleight of Hand checks d20M
Oathbound One declared allegiance +3 to aid allies; +1 on attack against others d20F
On the Cutting Edge ¹ Craft (mechanical) or Craft (electronic) 12 ranks, Research 9 ranks Craft certain gear beyond your current PL FPC
Perfect Genome -- +4 to genetic experimentation on you FPC
Personal Firearms Proficiency -- Proficient in use of personal firearms d20M
Advanced Firearms Proficiency Personal Firearms Proficiency No -4 penalty for autofire d20M
Burst Fire Wis 13, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Advanced Firearms Proficiency -4 on attack, +2 dice damage d20M
Exotic Firearms Proficiency ¹ Personal Firearms Proficiency, Advanced Firearms Proficiency Proficient in specific class of exotic firearms d20M
Improved Autofire Personal Firearms Proficiency, Advanced Firearms Proficiency Reflex save DC for autofire attack increases by +5 FPC, UMF
Stand Your Ground Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot +4 Defense bonus and possible attacks of opportunity when behind cover FPC
Strafe Personal Firearms Proficiency, Advanced Firearms Proficiency Autofire area 5 by 20 ft. instead of 10 by 10 ft. d20M
Point Blank Shot -- +1 on attack and damage from up to 30 ft. d20M
Double Tap Dex 13, Point Blank Shot -2 on attack, +1 die damage d20M
Hail of Bullets Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Double Tap Make autofire attack with semiautomatic firearm UMF, MPC
Precise Shot Point Blank Shot No -4 penalty for shooting into melee d20M
Bull's Eye Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Spend action point to confirm critical with ranged weapon UMF, MPC
Skip Shot Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Ignore cover, -2 on attack, -1 die damage d20M
Shot on the Run Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Mobility Move before and after ranged attack d20M
Guns Akimbo Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Mobility, Shot on the Run, Two-Weapon Fighting Make two-weapon ranged attacks as attack action UMF, MPC
Poker Face Wis 12 Others get -2 to Sense Motive checks against you MPC
Power Attack Str 13 Subtract from melee attack to add to melee damage roll d20M
Cleave Str 13, Power Attack Extra attack after dropping target to 0 hp d20M
Great Cleave Str 13, Power Attack, Cleave, base attack bonus +4 No limit to Cleave in a round d20M
Improved Bull Rush Str 13, Power Attack No attack of opportunity for bull rush d20M
Improved Overrun Power Attack, Str 13 +4 bonus on overrun checks UA
Sunder Str 13, Power Attack +4 on attack, no attack of opportunity when striking weapon d20M
Power Crit Base attack bonus +10, proficient with weapon Automatically threaten on a successful hit UA
Powered Armor Engineer Craft (mechanical) 9 ranks, Craft (electronic) 9 ranks Add additional gadgets to powered armor you create FPC
Precise Strike Base attack bonus +5 Full round of attacks made against an opponent's touch Defense UA
Psionic Resistance No psionic abilities Gain power resistance 15 MPC
Psionic Skills -- Autohypnosis, Concentration, and Psicraft are class skills UA
Quick Draw Base attack bonus +1 Draw weapon as free action d20M
Quick Reload Base attack bonus +1 Reload as a free or move action, instead of as move or full-round action d20M
Reactive Shooter Dex 13 Make ranged attack during surprise round with small or medium weapon only UMF
High Ready Dex 13, Reactive Shooter Make ranged attack during surprise round with large weapon UMF
Renown -- +3 Reputation bonus d20M
Robo-Diplomat -- +2 on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks against robots FPC
Robo-Engineer -- +2 on Craft and Repair checks made on robots; repair robots between 0 and -9 hp FPC
Robotic Companion -- Gain a minor robotic follower FPC
Run -- Move up to 5 times normal speed, +2 on running Jump checks d20M
Fleet of Foot Run May turn while running and charging UA
Rushed Growth Craft (biological) 9 ranks Decrease crafting time for cloning and mutations FPC
Salvage -- Gain wealth through salvage d20F
Second Chance -- Spend action points to re-roll FPC
Self Improvement -- +1 to one ability score MPC
Signature Skills ¹ -- Skills become permanent class skills MPC
Signature Spell Spell Mastery May convert spell to chosen spell UA
Simple Weapons Proficiency -- Proficient with clubs, knives, etc. d20M
Smart Plus ¹ -- Gain two talents from Smart hero talent trees d20F
Spacer -- +2 on Computer Use, Navigate, and Pilot in space d20F
Spell Focus -- +1 bonus to DCs for chosen school of magic UA
Greater Spell Focus Spell Focus, caster level 6 +2 bonus to DCs with chosen school of magic UA
Spellslinger Int 13 (arcane spellcasters) or Wis 13 (divine spellcasters) Increase number of bonus spells per day UA
Squad Leader One talent from the Leadership Talent Tree, Charisma 13 Spend action points to give combat bonuses to allies FPC
Stage Presence ¹ Cha 13 Add Reputation bonus to one Perform check MPC
Star Employee Reputation bonus +1 +1 Reputation bonus, +1 Wealth bonus increase, gain one permanent class skill MPC
Starship Engineer Craft (mechanical) 6 ranks Halve crafting time for starship parts and weapons; +4 when successfully aiding another during starship creation or repair FPC
Starship Gunnery -- No -4 penalty for firing starship weapons d20F
Starship Strafe Starship Gunnery. Improve starship's automatic fire area d20F
Starship Operation ¹ Pilot 2 ranks. No -4 penalty for piloting one class of starship d20F
Starship Dodge Dexterity 13, Pilot 6 ranks, Starship Operation (of appropriate type) +1 dodge bonus against selected starship d20F
Starship Mobility Dexterity 13, Starship Dodge +4 dodge bonus against attacks of opportunity d20F
Starship Battle Run Dexterity 13, Starship Dodge, Starship Mobility Move before and after starship attack d20F
Starship Feint Pilot 9 ranks, Starship Operation (of appropriate type) +2 on Bluff to feint in starship combat d20F
Stealthy -- +2 to Hide and Move Silently checks d20M
Strong Plus ¹ -- Gain two talents from Strong hero talent trees d20F
Studious -- +2 on Decipher Script and Research checks d20M
Supernatural Strike Base attack bonus +2 May score critical hits against creatures that are normally immune UA
Surface Vehicle Operations ¹ Drive 4 ranks No -4 penalty on Drive checks or attack rolls with selected class of vehicle d20M
Surgery Treat Injury 4 ranks No -4 penalty for performing surgery d20M
Cybernetic Surgery Treat Injury 8 ranks, Surgery No -8 penalty for cybernetic surgery d20F
Xenomedic Knowledge (earth and life sciences) 6 ranks, Treat Injury 6 ranks, Surgery No -8 penalty for treating aliens d20F
Timewalker -- No language penalties and +4 to Bluff and Disguise when time traveling FPC
Tinkerer ² Craft (electronic) or Craft (mechanical) 6 ranks -1 to cost gadget cost modifiers when crafting FPC
Tough Plus ¹ -- Gain two talents from Tough hero talent trees d20F
Toughness ² -- +3 hit points d20M
Track -- Use Survival skill to track d20M
Robo-Hunter Base Attack Bonus +1, Track +4 on skill checks made while tracking robots FPC
Trigger Latent Mutation ¹ -- Conceal a mutation when not in use FPC
Trustworthy -- +2 on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks d20M
Two-Weapon Fighting Dex 13 Lessen two-weapon penalties by 2 d20M
Armed to the Teeth Dex 13, Two-Weapon Fighting Can use ranged and melee weapon at the same time UMF
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Dex 13, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6 Extra attack with off-hand weapon d20M
Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting Dex 13, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, bas attack bonus +11 Third attack with off-hand weapon d20M
Ultra Immune System Constitution 13 +2 on Fortitude saves against poisons, diseases, and radiation sickness; ability drain is treated as ability damage d20F
Urban Tracking -- Use Gather Information skill to track urban targets d20F
Vehicle Engineer Craft (mechanical) 6 ranks +2 to Initiative, Maneuver, Defense, or Hardness on a vehicle you create FPC
Vehicle Expert -- +2 on Drive and Pilot checks d20M
Force Stop Drive 4 ranks, Vehicle Expert Force a surface vehicle to stop d20M
Vehicle Dodge Dex 13, Drive 6 ranks, Vehicle Expert +1 dodge bonus to Defense d20M
Vehicle Specialization ¹ -- +2 bonus to on skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws with specific vehicle type UA
Weapon Finesse ¹ Proficient with weapon, base attack bonus +1 Use Dex modifier instead of Str modifier with melee weapon d20M
Weapon Focus ¹ Proficient with weapon, base attack bonus +1 +1 on attack rolls with selected weapon d20M
Well-Equipped -- Double carrying capacity and reduce encumbrance penalties FPC
Wild Talent -- 0-level psionic power, usable three times per day UA
Windfall ² -- +3 Wealth bonus increase, +1 on Profession checks d20M
Xenodiplomat -- +2 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive against aliens FPC
Zero-G Training Dexterity 13, Tumble 4 ranks. No penalty for attacks in low- or zero-gravity; no space sickness d20F
Zero-G Warrior Zero-G Training +2 to Defense in low and no gravity FPC
Initial Feats
Feat Prerequisites Benefits Source
Divine Heritage Wis 10 May cast orisons (0-level divine spells) UA
Magical Heritage Int 10 May cast cantrips (0-level arcane spells) UA
Moonlighting -- Choose a second starting occupation MPC
Multilingual GM approval Fluent in more than one language MPC
Linguist Multilingual Understand languages you don't speak MPC
Planetary Adaptation ¹ Gain benefits from your planet of origin d20F
Shadow Heritage -- +1 bonus to one saving throw, low-light vision UA
Metamagic Feats
Feat Prerequisites Benefits Source
Empower Spell -- Increase numeric effects of chosen spell by one-half UA
Enlarge Spell -- Double range of chosen spell UA
Eschew Materials -- Cast chosen spell without material component UA
Extend Spell -- Double duration of chosen spell UA
Heighten Spell -- Cast chosen spell at higher effective level UA
Nonlethal Spell -- Chosen spell deals nonlethal damage UA
Reach Spell -- Cast chosen touch spell up to 30 feet UA
Sacred Spell -- Chosen spell is imbued with divine power UA
Shadowbane Spell -- Chosen spell is more effective against creatures of Shadow UA
Silent Spell -- Cast chosen spell without verbal component UA
Still Spell -- Cast chosen spell without somatic component UA
Metapsionic Feats
Feat Prerequisites Benefits Source
Delay Power -- Chosen power triggers 1 to 5 rounds after manifestation UA
Enlarge Power -- Double range of chosen power UA
Extend Power -- Double duration of chosen power UA
Persistent Power Extend Power Duration of chosen power raised to 1 day UA
Focus Power Psionic abilities Increase DC of psionic power saving throws MPC
Heighten Power -- Manifest chosen power at higher effective level UA
Hide Power -- Manifest chosen power without specific display UA
Quicken Power -- Manifest chosen powers with but a thought UA
Twin Power -- Manifest chosen power twice simultaneously UA

1 You can take this feat multiple times; each time it applies to a different feat option.
2 You can take this feat multiple times; its effects stack.


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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.


Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
Ultramodern Firearms d20, Copyright 2002, Charles McManus Ryan.
Modern Player's Companion, Copyright 2003, The Game Mechanics, Inc.; Author: Stan!
Future Player's Companion: Tomorrows' Foundation, Copyright 2005, The Game Mechanics, Inc.; Authors: Gary Astleford, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker.
Complete Feats, Copyright 2005, The Game Mechanics, Inc.
Unless otherwise noted, all content ©2002-2008 The Game Mechanics, Inc. All rights reserved.
Marc is working on a class project for grad school. It involves Free Computer Games.
Disclaimer regarding downloads and trademarks.
'D20 System' and the 'D20 System' logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the D20 System License version 5.0. A copy of this License can be found at Dungeons & Dragons®, Dungeon Master®, and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are used with permission.