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Gamaliel, Keeper of the White Sword

by Mat Smith
Editing: Marc Schmalz
Layout and Typesetting: Marc Schmalz
Artist: Jacob Elijah Walker

Gamaliel is a free legendary weapon offered in promotion of Artifacts of the Ages: Legendary Weapons from The Game Mechanics, Inc.

The bright, curving falchion known as Gamaliel (guh-MAY-lee-EL) is the most recent of a long line of weapons that have served as host to the "gemstone" embodying the power that once infused the legendary White Sword carried by the paladin Üth P'nan.

The Battle of Leaden Skies

Among the legends from the Age of the Old Kings, amid the tales from the dreadful time known as the Plague of Darkness, there are stories of the invasion of the Sprawling Horde and the pivotal Battle of Leaden Skies.

It was a time when darkness covered the earth, an undead army led by a powerful vampire lord plagued the land, and a scourge of lycanthropes roamed the wilds--it was a time of terrible opportunity. Emboldened by the unending gloom covering the land, a marauding band of hobgoblins from the distant east seized the chance to raid several outlying villages. As the troop of invaders traveled deeper into the Old Kingdoms, its ranks swelled with a host of orcs, goblins, bugbears, and other night-stalking creatures that joined in the unchecked mayhem, forming a motley army that soon became known as the Sprawling Horde.

Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 15.

As the Sprawling Horde ravaged across the eastern borderlands, it swiftly overwhelmed the defenders of each village, town, and stronghold it encountered. It soon became clear that only a unified militia could stand against the plague-like army. Hastily made plans were set in motion to gather the forces of several neighboring regions outside Stoneflame Keep, the fortified castle of Lord Qillan. However, the steadily advancing wave of goblinoids had gained momentum as it grew in numbers and was spotted swarming toward the Wyrmcrest Ridge--a half-day's march from Stoneflame Keep--two full days before it was expected.

Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 15.

With few options available, Lord Qillan's troops, led by the paladin Üth P'nan, marched out to meet the Sprawling Horde on the slopes of Wyrmcrest Ridge in hopes of holding off the encroaching tide of invaders long enough for reinforcements to arrive. As the dusky day turned to fathomless night, the clash of arms and flash of magic filled air as the Sprawling Horde surged up the rolling hills. Fighting continued without respite throughout the night, slackening only as dawn's weakened light filtered though nearly impenetrable clouds that hung over the conflict which became known as the Battle of Leaden Skies.

Casualties were great among the stalwart defenders as they were slowly driven back into the foothills of the Wyrmcrest Ridge. Üth knew it was only a matter of time before the Sprawling Horde would finally overwhelm his troops, but he trusted that aid would soon arrive. Even as the slavering goblinoids were surrounding the fatigued warriors, the call of faint signal horns drifted across the open plains from the north and west. Newfound hope among Üth's beleaguered men quickly dwindled, however, when the malevolent Plague of Darkness suddenly descended fully upon the land. As shadows swept over the battlefield, the trumpeting calls of reinforcements were lost in chaos, and desperation leached into the hearts of the soldiers of Stoneflame Keep.

Knowing all would be lost if swift action was not taken, Üth P'nan brandished his mighty White Sword and charged back up the slopes of the Wyrmcrest Ridge. Though gravely wounded by countless blades, arrows, and enchantments, the dauntless paladin reached the top of the highest peak and called upon Apon, the god of the sun, to empower his weapon. The White Sword flared with holy energy, driving back gloom and goblinoid alike. Though momentarily shaken by the bright light, the most powerful of the foul creatures recovered and fell upon on the paladin. In a brutal instant, they struck him down and sundered his holy weapon, which sent a deafening shockwave rolling across the land stunning most of the Sprawling Horde. Even as the shards of the White Sword fell to the earth, its inner radiance remained aloft, now blazing with unearthly light that was visible for miles.

Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 15.

Guided by the holy beacon, the cavalry of Lord Corralyn and heavy infantry of Lord Hasen charged forward to rally with Lord Qillan's remaining troops. The newly united militia slowly swept across Wyrmcrest Ridge, crushing the disorganized goblinoid forces as the day wore on. The Sprawling Horde eventually splintered into dozens of smaller bands, which fled into the darkness.

Triumphant, the soldiers that had fought alongside Üth P'nan returned to recover his broken body and shattered weapon. While the brilliant divine energy that guided them to victory had faded, a faint silvery light remained--emanating from a milky-white crystal that lay near the paladin's outstretched sword arm. The teardrop-shaped gemstone was returned, along with the holy knight's remains, to Stoneflame Keep.

Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 15.

The curious gemstone, later dubbed "Apon's Tear" was discovered to contain the essence of the holy White Sword of Üth P'nan. At the request of Lord Corralyn, a new magical weapon was forged--one that would house the blessed crystal and manifest the powers and abilities of the White Sword. That blade, named Hope's Razor, was the first of many different "host" weapons that have been created to serve as Keeper of the White Sword throughout the ages.

Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 20.


To qualify to wield Gamaliel as a battle scion, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Alignment: Good.
Base Attack Bonus:+6.
Feats: Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus (host weapon--currently: falchion).


Table G-1: Abilities Granted by Gamaliel
Scion Level Ability Gained Caster Level
-- Enhancement bonus +1 3rd
  Defending 8th
  Light --
1st Protection from evil *
2nd Battle cry --
3rd Enhancement bonus +2 6th
4th Daylight *
5th Magic circle against evil *
6th Enhancement bonus +3 9th
7th Whirlwind Attack --
8th Holy 7th
9th Enhancement bonus +4 12th
  Rally of champions --
10th Brilliant energy 16th

Gamaliel is the current Keeper of the White Sword, though other host weapons, having been divested of Apon's Tear in order to craft a weapon more favorable for a new wielder, may already exist. New host weapons may be created using the guidelines set forth in the "Creating a Host Weapon" sidebar.

Gamaliel has the following attributes:

Hardness/Hit Points: Gamaliel: 10/10; Apon's Tear: 20/20.

Unlike most legendary weapons, host weapons are not subject to the Unbreakable rules (see Artifacts of the Ages Chapter One: The Basics), though they do apply to Apon's Tear. If reduced to zero hit points, Apon's Tear explodes in a brilliant burst of energy that deals 20d6 points of holy damage to everyone within a 50-foot radius.

Value: To anyone other than its battle scion, Gamaliel appears to be a +1 defending falchion (8,375 gp). Alone, Apon's Tear appears to be a quartz-like gem that casts light as a torch (10 gp).

Special Abilities

Gamaliel provides the following special abilities to its wielder, depending on the character's level in the battle scion prestige class (see Table 2-6: Abilities Granted by Gamaliel). These abilities are the same for any weapon currently hosting Apon's Tear, except for those initial abilities relating to the specific form of the host weapon. A host weapon divested of Apon's Tear still functions as a +1 defending weapon of its type.

Initial Abilities: When first acquired, Gamaliel functions as a +1 defending falchion. Anyone who wields it, whether a battle scion or not, also benefits from its ability to shed light.

Light (Su): Gamaliel continually sheds light equivalent to the glow from a torch (20-foot radius). This light cannot be concealed when Gamaliel is drawn, though it may be dimmed to a pale illumination (5-foot-radius) at will. Gamaliel's light cannot be entirely shut off in any way.

Protection from Evil (Sp): Beginning at 1st level, Gamaliel'sbattle scion is continually under the effect of a protection from evil spell cast by a sorcerer of the scion's character level.

Battle Cry (Su): The rallying calls of a 2nd-level or higher battle scion of Gamaliel ring out across the battlefield, bolstering the spirits of her allies. This ability functions as the bard's inspire courage ability (see the PHB v3.5). This bonus lasts a number of rounds equal to the scion's Charisma bonus (minimum of 1 round) and may be invoked once per day for every two levels of battle scion attained.

Enhancement Bonus: Gamaliel'senhancement bonus increases to +2 when the battle scion reaches 3rd level, to +3 when he reaches 6th level, and to +4 at 9th level.

Daylight (Sp): When held aloft for a full round by a 4th-level or higher battle scion, Gamaliel radiates an intense, silvery white light that duplicates the effects of the daylight spell cast by a sorcerer of the scion's character level. After Gamaliel is lowered, the daylight will persist for another five rounds before fading.

Magic Circle Against Evil: (Sp): At 5th level, Gamaliel'sbattle scion is continually under the effect of a magic circle against evil spell cast by a sorcerer of the scion's character level.

Whirlwind Attack (Ex): Beginning at 7th level, the battle scion of Gamaliel gains the use of the Whirlwind Attack feat (while wielding Gamaliel) if he does not already have it.

Holy (Su): When wielded by a battle scion of 8th-level or higher, Gamaliel deals an additional 2d6 points of damage to creatures of evil alignment. As a holy weapon, Gamaliel is considered to be good-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. Unlike most holy weapons, Gamaliel does not bestow a negative level on an evil creature attempting to wield it, as it has only its initial abilities in the hands of such a creature.

Rally of Champions (Su): A battle scion of Gamaliel of 9th-level or higher gains the ability to call upon mystical reinforcements once every seven days. By taking a full round action to flourish Gamaliel overhead, the scion summons 1d4+1 5th-level human paladins, which appear with the starting equipment for paladins (see the PHB v3.5). While the summoned paladins appear to be real people, they are actually constructs that will immediately disappear if they move further than 50 feet away from the scion. They'll act as commanded by the scion (fighting opponents, using abilities, etc.) until they are slain or until 1 hour has elapsed, whichever comes first.

Brilliant Energy (Su): When wielded by a battle scion of 10th-level, Gamaliel's blade is transformed into blindingly bright light, which allows the weapon to ignore nonliving matter, including armor bonuses to AC (including any enhancement bonuses to that armor). As a brilliant energy weapon, Gamaliel is unable to physically harm undead, constructs, and objects.


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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Swords of Our Fathers Copyright 2003, The Game Mechanics, Inc.
Staves of Ascendance Copyright 2003, The Game Mechanics, Inc.
Artifacts of the Ages: Swords and Staves Copyright 2003, The Game Mechanics, Inc.; Authors JD Wiker and Rich Redman.
Artifacts of the Ages: Legendary Weapons, Copyright 2004, The Game Mechanics, Inc.; Authors JD Wiker and Gary Astleford.
Gamaliel Copyright 2004, The Game Mechanics, Inc.
Unless otherwise noted, all content ©2002-2008 The Game Mechanics, Inc. All rights reserved.
Marc is working on a class project for grad school. It involves Free Computer Games.
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