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Modern Magic, Volume One

Modern Magic, Volume One. Cover illustration by Cheyenne Wright. Cover design by Marc Schmalz

Now Available!

The Game Mechanics put the mojo back in magic!

Magic is an ancient art with traditions that stretch back millennia, but modern spellcasters don't have to wear burlap robes, speak Latin, and practice antediluvian rituals. Magic has come to the streets and neither will ever be the same again.

This modern d20 System supplement brings magic and spellcasting into the 21st century. Today's mages, witches, and conjurers may start with traditional potions and spells, but they also bring it to the cutting edge, and they aren't the only ones. Corporations, researchers, and even the military are using magic to give them an edge over their competitors.

Modern Magic, Volume One includes:

  • New spells created with a modern perspective, such as manual-focus binoculars and universal remote.
  • New magic items the combine cutting edge technology with arcane powers, such as breath mints of smooth talking and hand buzzer of voltage.
  • Expanded rules for ritual magic.
  • New classes for spellcasting heroes, including the Ritualist and the Arcane Spec-Op.

The Arcane Spec-Op. Illustration by Pete Schlough.
The Arcane Spec-Op

Modern Magic, Volume One is the first in a two-volume series aimed designed to bring a fresh, contemporary feel to the magic and spellcasting in your modern d20 System game.

Links and Downloads

Cover Image
  • Front Cover
Free Sample
  • Modern Magic Preview: Sample Spells and FX Equipment (532K Zipped PDF)
Online Discussion
  • Discussion Boards (through ezBoard) and IRC Chatroom
Reviews for Modern Magic, Volume One
Reviews for Modern Magic (Print)
  • Bill Perman from GamingReport

The Specs

A 44-page PDF for players and GMs.
Available as a download from for only US$5.00. That's 44 pages of PDF for TGM's normal 32-page price!

Written by Eric Cagle (Urban Arcana Campaign Setting, d20 Menace Manual), Mike Montesa (Land of the Rising Dead, Shiki), and Mat Smith. Developed by Rich Redman (d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, Martial Arts Mayhem) and Stan! (Modern Player's Companion, Urban Arcana Campaign Setting). Edited by JD Wiker. Art by Pete Schlough, Jacob Elijah Walker, and Cheyenne Wright. Layout and design by Marc Schmalz. Cover Art by Cheyenne Wright. Cover Design by Marc Schmalz.

Requires the use of the d20 ModernTM Roleplaying Game and the Urban Arcana Campaign Setting published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Unless otherwise noted, all content ©2002-2008 The Game Mechanics, Inc. All rights reserved.
Marc is working on a class project for grad school. It involves Free Computer Games.
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'D20 System' and the 'D20 System' logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the D20 System License version 4.0. A copy of this License can be found at